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You didn't know where you were. You hadn't gotten that far yet. You only knew a few things, one being that you had definitely jumped to a new chapter during the night and were now in a completely different setting.

The bed you now laid on was much more elegant and grand than the simple bedding that had been sprawled out for you on the floor of the tents in Robin Hood.

The softness of the pillows entranced you and kept you rooted in bed regardless of the fact that you were awake. You had already been awake for awhile, but you weren't moving.


Maybe because it wasn't the pillows that had entranced you, but rather the sight of the guy laying next to you on the bed; his limbs sprawled out as his unconscious body laid on the soft mattress. He was laying on his stomach but kept his face turned towards you as his lightly pinkened cheek pressed against the pillow and his soft hair fell across his eyelashes.

He wasn't touching you in any way, but you were close enough to where you felt the heat radiating off of his tan skin and the deep breaths that escaped his elegantly shaped lips against your warm face.

Close, but not touching.

Goodness Taehyung...

You were once again taken aback by how unreal he looked. You couldn't look away, and you felt your body tense up even further in his presence when a soft groan escaped his lips.

You didn't know what you would do when he opened his eyes, but maybe that would make the situation even better due to the fact that you could stare into his deep and riveting orbs that would surly entrance you even further. He was... a masterpiece. A work of art. Your mind swirled with thoughts that tried to convince you to snap out of it, but your heart was beating too loudly for you to hear them.

Kim Taehyung was so handsome that you couldn't even think straight. You swallowed hard and attempted to close your eyes in order to block his spell, but this only made his closeness more obvious as you felt the way his breath tickled your cheeks. This sensation was even worse so you opened your eyes once more.

Had the two of you fallen asleep together? You could remember his drunken state and the fact that you had helped him get to bed but... hadn't you made it very clear that you wouldn't be staying with him? You began to recall the lead up and flushed even further; remembering his seducing tone and blabbering before trying to kiss you and eventually... passing out on top of you.

But you had fallen asleep as well? Why had you let that happen?

Why were you letting THIS happen? Clearly you were currently acting like a love struck idiot. But you couldn't help it, and against your own will you felt yourself gently shuffle so that you could reach out to him. Your hand shook as it neared his face.

You didn't know what had possessed you, but suddenly you felt so utterly compelled to touch him that you hadn't been able to hold back.

At first you were hesitant as you only stared at your own trembling hand approach him. Then you actually allowed yourself to close the small distance between skin on skin and lightly brushed your fingers against his face. He didn't wake up and stayed still.

Your shaking hands found comfort and joy against his warm skin and you soon found yourself gently cupping his face as your thumb continued to drag back and forth patterns on his cheek. His jawline pressed against your palm in a satisfying way as the softness of his cheeks provided comfort.

Your eyes could do nothing but continue to stare and waver in utter wonderment. They trailed towards his eye brows and your hand was soon to follow; tracing against his skin lightly until your thumb followed the outline of his thick and perfectly shaped brows.

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