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"Don't you have her number? Can't you just give it to me?"

"Who? (Y/N)? Are we talking about her again?"

"Well... yeah. I just want to contact her."

"She's literally right over there. Why don't you just talk to her?"

"You know I can't do that, Jimin! My girlfriend will freak out. For some reason, everyone I've ever dated won't let me anywhere near her. I miss her. You know how close we used to be."

"You know, they say girls have a sixth sense about certain things. If they don't want you near her then it's for a reason. I'm sort of picking up on something here too, and I've been wondering about it for a long time. Do you like (Y/N)?"

"What?! I... no way... I-I just really miss her."

"Then why is it that every conversation we have these days is about her? You haven't even mentioned anything about your girlfriend lately. Don't you see why I ask?"

"I... I guess your right. Not about liking her, but... maybe my girlfriend is right too. I guess maybe I need to focus on her and stop thinking about (Y/N). It's not the right thing to do. I'll stop talking about it, but I can't stop thinking about how much I miss her."

"Taehyung, you're smart. I hope one day you can figure out what it is you really want."


Somehow, seeing Kim Taehyung cry had been more painful than seeing him dead. Still and motionless, his lips refused to tremble as he had maintained eye contact and the tear trailed his cheek and dripped onto your hand that rested next to his head. He looked away right as the chapter switched and the world went dark. It was a haunting image you couldn't get out of your head, and it brought back memories.

These memories were from long ago and consisted of you staring at yourself in the mirror and crying; wondering why Kim Taehyung didn't care about you anymore and why you had to love him even when you knew he was clearly dating someone else and had never considered you as anything more than a childhood friend. You remembered how badly your heart ached and how much you regretted. You wondered that if you had done something differently, then maybe Kim Taehyung would still have been by your side.

At first, you had blamed yourself. That was the most painful stage. To get over it, you had had no choice but to turn to hatred towards your old friend. But that initial pain took a long time to leave, and unhelped tears had sprung every once in awhile when you found yourself alone in high school and could only observe Taehyung with your once 'best friend' from afar.

Those tears mirrored the ones you had seen brim in Taehyung's eyes when you woke him up with a kiss, and it pained you to know that they were there by your own doing. Regardless of the past, once you had opened up as a friend to him again, you should have heard him out and listened. 

Instead you had continued to unknowingly push him away and... turn him down. Even if all of his bizarre actions were hormone induced, you were studying to be a nurse. You understand, and as his friend, you could have have talked it out. The way both of you had handled every situation hadn't been good, and you were to blame by constantly avoiding everything.

He was right all along, and if you had both just efficiently communicated long ago maybe things would be different. You had to come clean, no matter how badly it hurt and how embarrassed it would make you.

You came to this conclusion and opened your eyes with this goal; now in a new chapter and determined to make things right once and for all. The first thing you noticed was that you were alone. This had happened before so it wasn't completely unusual, but with everything that had happened and your new goal of properly communicating with Taehyung, only panic arose.

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