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"Wow! You're so cool, Tae!"

"Tae? Is that a nickname?"

"Oh... yeah. Sorry..."

"I love it. Only call me Tae from now on."


When you opened your eyes the next morning, Taehyung wasn't there.

At first you had been confused by the slightly destroyed pillow divider that you had kicked down upon getting up, but then you remembered and stiffened. You really let him sleep in the same bed as you?! Well, it was official. You were screwed. Now he would never leave you alone and would bother you every night until you complied like you apparently had in your exhausted state the previous evening. 

You knew this to be true because you knew how he was. 

Your thoughts drifted away from this however when you realized you didn't know where your exuberant companion was. Panic suddenly flooded your mind when everything that happened the previous night came back to you; you remembering the ominous words regarding the Piper.

You were suddenly flinging yourself out of bed; tripping over yourself as you scampered out of the room with your heart beating loudly.

"Taehy-" You had been about to call his name in a worried fashion but found your words sticking in your throat when you saw the man's wife sitting at the table in the dining room and staring out the window with a smile. She turned towards you upon your abrupt entrance and you blushed. 

"Um, Taehyung," You quickly spoke, "Have you seen-"

"He's right there." The wife answered quickly; nodding her head towards the window with a small smile on her face. "No need to worry. He's trying to cut wood." 

You felt your body sigh in relief before you also walked to the table so you could peer out at the exuberant guy doing his absolute best but having trouble cutting a plank of wood in half. He seemed to be trying to yank the ax out of the half cut plank and wasn't having much success. You had to admit the sight brought a soft smile to your lips as he tugged with a determined pout on his face.

"He's so sweet trying to help out. My husband sleeps during the day so we're really so thankful for his help." 

You heard her words but your eyes stayed on Taehyung as you watched him give up and slouch in disappointment before seeing a chicken. He immediately brightened and started chasing after it, yet another comical but expected sight from him. Your eyes widened slightly when you felt the woman's gaze on you and you blushed; clearing your throat and turning away from the window.

"He was really worried about you."

He was?

You said nothing and instead looked at the floor while biting your lower lip. To be honest the events of the previous evening were blurry due to your exhausted state.

"And probably for good reason! You slept until noon. Don't worry, I saved you some breakfast."

She smiled at you innocently and hummed lightly, going to fetch a broom before cleaning in the other room. You wanted to huff in irritation towards the situation but you found you couldn't. And so you simply uttered a polite thank you before taking your seat.

You ate the breakfast gratefully while trying not to watch Taehyung run around with the chickens, finally taking the time to look at the word THANK on your wrist and to think about the recent happenings.

So... had you... given up? Gave into him? Established new beginnings?

In a way, you sort of had. But the true question was if he was forgiven. You had no idea. It still hurt whenever you looked at him and you still felt... not exactly angry but... sad. You didn't know if you wanted to move right along as if nothing had happened, even if his little speech in Cinderella had been touching.

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