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It must have been only three steps more before Taehyung passed out. You might have assumed that it was the tiring exhaustion from all the night time adventures, but the real reason was the extreme over-stimulation Taehyung's entire body had just went through. 

His brain was fried. His heart was so tired of beating that it hurt. His body was useless under his own weight. With all of this and the sudden snapping of reality that screamed the final thought that he had just kissed you... and enjoyed it... he suddenly found everything fading to black as he barreled into you.

You released a yelp as the guys weight suddenly collided with yours as you both fell to the ground once more.

"Taehyung?" You spoke in worry; quickly crawling out from under him before grunting in the effort it took to push him over. He stayed motionless and silent as you noticed the way his thick lashes had been forced to resting position under his closed eye lids. For a moment you panicked when you saw he wasn't moving and quickly leaned your head against his chest in hopes of finding his heartbeat. 

Thankfully, it was definitely there. In fact it was thumping very loudly; sending vibrations against your skull as it rang in your ears. You breathed out in relief when you found that he was alright and most likely just exhausted. However, for a moment, you didn't move. You purely blamed this on the fact that you were tired as well, but you certainly hesitated when you realized how warm and comforting it was to be this close to him; like you could fall asleep right then and there against his chest.

You quickly snapped out of this second of hesitation however when he released a moan. It was one of exhaustion, but you found yourself flinging away from him in horror after hearing the sound that was very similar to... earlier. The same noise he had emitted against your lips. You couldn't do this. 

Crawling away from him, you found your face growing familiarly warm as you tried to dispose of all the thoughts trying to sneak their way into your brain. The worst part? You couldn't even blame him. It was you that had almost shoved your tongue down his throat and it was you that even after promising to forget it, wasn't.

You quickly shook your head and issued a few slaps to yourself; hoping to clear your mind of everything but getting you and Taehyung to somewhere safe to sleep. 

"It's gone. The memory is gone. It didn't happen..." You muttered to yourself through closed eyes while remembering what he had previously told you. After another deep breath, you opened your eyes determined and now focused on your goal. 

Taehyung wasn't extremely heavy, so you decided you could handle pulling him for awhile. You hooked your arms under his and tugged; his head hanging limp as you dragged him across the ground. Even though he was lighter than most guys, it still wasn't an easy feat and after awhile your back ached. 

You grunted and stopped to take a break; breathing in and out heavily under the strain. You were surprised you weren't as tired as you expected, but soon realized that the kiss had been a sort of electric spark that had awoken all areas of your brain and made it so that even if you had been laying in your own bed you wouldn't have been able to sleep. 

You winced when you realized the kiss had crept into your brain again and angrily grit your teeth. You didn't like Kim Taehyung. Not like that. And because you didn't like him, because he was no more than a childhood friend that you felt thankful for due to the fact that he had saved your life multiple times, you would be willing to act as if the previous exchange was no more than a will to survive. 

"Alright Taehyung," You spoke aloud, knowing he wouldn't respond but not caring, "You aren't getting away with this. Making me drag you around all night I mean."

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