NINE| Wool

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"Hold me (Y/N)."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"I'm just lonely since my sister went to university... now the house is more empty. You help me feel better when I'm sad or scared, so hold me."

"OK... You're a touchy person aren't you?"

"I don't know. I just know that I feel better when I'm with you."


You didn't deal with it in the morning. Instead you were abruptly woken up when Taehyung pounced on your bed in the middle of the night; you waking up and stiffing back a scream at the sudden motion of his weight and quickly sitting up to see his panicked eyes reflecting in the slight glow of the moonlight from outside. 

You breathed out in relief that it wasn't a murderer before groaning and stuffing your face back into your pillow.

"What?!" You angrily muttered into the soft head rest, unsure if you even wanted an answer.

"(Y/N) there's something outside!" He hissed, "Or maybe inside? I don't even know! There's weird noises and I think it might be a ghost."

"Get off of my bed right now," You instructed, he hesitating as his lower lip trembled slightly.

"No (Y/N) I'm serious! There's-" 

You pushed his face away and sat up quickly; angrily thrashing off your covers and getting up off the bed. Taehyung looked your way in surprise before you grabbed his ear and tugged him off as well; he hissing slightly in pain as you dragged him back to bed.

You pulled the covers off his bed and threw him onto the mattress. He looked up at you slightly afraid and rubbed his sore ear as you pulled the blanket back over him.

"Go. To. Bed." You spoke through clenched teeth while tucking him in, he still shaking lightly after hearing the 'noise'. 

"Can't we put pillows between us?" He asked, trying to make his eyes bigger in order to convince you of this as you angrily maneuvered the blanket to fit around him.

"No Taehyung," You hissed, "Now shut up and go to sleep. Aren't you tired?"

"Yes but-"

You pressed a finger to his lips and sighed in exhaustion; he slurring on his words and shutting up rather quickly as he seemed to forget what he was even saying under your touch.

"Go to sleep," You spoke tiredly in irritation, he sinking into the pillow slightly and nodding quickly with wide eyes.

You turned away in order to return to your own bed; but you stiffened when you suddenly heard something. It was a low rumbling growl that seemed to come from outside the window.

Taehyung quickly sat up in bed again after hearing the noise before releasing a yelp of surprise when you barreled into him; crawling into the bed next to him after hearing the noise and the two of you cowering under the blankets together and looking towards the front door with wide eyes.

"Ghost!" Taehyung spoke with a shivering voice and you rolled your eyes. You shook your head after looking at him oddly.

"No... some sort of wild animal." Taehyung's eyes grew wide when a scratching noise came from the front door and looked at you pointedly for some sort of reassurance. "It... can't get in." 

Silence settled over the cottage and you breathed out in relief before turning to look at Taehyung who was gazing at you with wide eyes; most likely unable to comprehend the fact that you were in his bed with him. You cleared your throat in embarrassment while he gripped a fistful of his blanket and looked away.

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