TWO| Job

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"Sorry I already have plans today. Maybe I can see you tomorrow?"

"I don't know... you tend to forget me these days."

"I just get busy. I promise I'll remember this time."


"I'll write your name on my wrist see! This is permanent ink. I'll write my name on yours too. Then maybe you'll remember me for the rest of your life."

"I don't think it's possible for me to forget you..."


You traced your thumb across your inner wrist and closed your eyes for a moment. Today would be a good day. You took a deep breath and tried to calm yourself over the slight anxiety you were having regarding your new job. 

It was in the city and you could walk from your university; making it a good option right off the bat due to the fact that it was too expensive to have to pay for miscellaneous modes of transportation. A job was just what you needed. Outside studies you didn't exactly have a whole lot going on so figured the best use of time would be to put it towards work and making money.

It was a toy store. It had opened recently and lay on the corner on the street amidst the hub of the bustling city. You had to admit you had been drawn to the place upon first sight. It was unique and you liked how it never seemed to be very busy, so when you saw the now hiring sign, you knew you had to pounce on the opportunity.

You got a call after putting in your resume the very next day and soon got hired. Today would be your first day on the job. As you approached the toy store you stopped to stare at it; gazing at the rows of unique and gorgeously crafted toys. The theme was fairy tale; the store being called "Once Upon a Dream Toy Store" as proudly portrayed by the old looking wooden sign hanging up outside. 

You cleared your throat and straightened your employee apron with your hands a bit to look more professional before walking in. Your entrance was alerted by the small silver bell that hung up over the door and pinged a noise that echoed through the eerie almost completely empty store. Your eyes caught a castle doll house before fluttering over to the elegant looking way the toys were set up, the vine printed wallpaper, and the kid book section that held almost every fairy tale ever known in the shelves. 

A few voices were heard in the back of the store but besides them there was only one other person you could see in the store at the current hour.

An older looking woman who was running the cash register turned towards you and greeted you with a kind smile. You went over to her and she nodded when you entered her presence.

"Thank you for following the employee dress code dear," She spoke in gratitude, "I think you will be a wonderful worker. There are lots of things to be done here like stocking, reading to the kids, organizing, and cleaning."

"I am fine with doing anything at any time," You assured her, trying to give off a responsible vibe as to impress your new authoritative figure.

She smiled at this.

"I'm a little busy but luckily my other new employee is here today. He can show you how things are done and what not."

"Oh?" You questioned, arching an eyebrow in curiosity, "I'm not your first employee then?"

"Oh no. He applied about a week before you did actually. He's a fast learner and wonderful worker. Great with the kids. People person I guess you would say. I think you'll really like him."

"I'm sure," You said simply, not having much else to say on the matter without knowing who your work mate even was.

"He's helping some customers right now but let's go find him and let him know you're here," The older woman informed you and then instructed, slowly getting up and walking down a row of shelving towards the area you had heard voices from earlier. You followed obediently. 

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