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His warmth was gone almost instantly, and for a moment you wished you were a kid again. If you were, then you might have protested or maybe even cried. Instead, all you could do when you opened your eyes to find yourself alone was... well, nothing. 

You stayed still, at first simply confused as to why Taehyung was no longer holding you before having to stop yourself from immediately breaking down. 

You closed your eyes before gauging the new atmosphere and took a deep breath. All you knew was that you most certainly weren't home and that Taehyung wasn't around. This wasn't uncommon, but because all you really cared about was finally being with him, the stories choice of splitting you up once more wasn't taken kindly by you. 

Lightly seething in an anger that hid your feelings of despair, you opened your eyes to see that you were located in a place that looked slightly familiar. You soon knew why. It reminded you of your time in Rapunzel, except much less... homey. More so cold and ominous.

It was a small room with stone walls and little decor. There was a door, but upon further inspection you found it was locked. The only other two things in the room were a majestic looking bed and a spinning wheel. 

You took a fearful step back after spotting the object, not liking it's presence or the way you felt ill and scared just by simply looking at it. The sharp metal piece sticking upward glinted threateningly, and your throat went dry when you realized what fairy tale you had to be in. 

Your dress only aided in this discovery when you found that once again... you were a sort of princess. Would this mean that once again Taehyung would be a prince?

But that would mean...

You quickly looked down at your wrist and pulled back the fabrics that hid it from your vision to see the word that made your pulse quicken beneath it. 


"No..." You muttered to yourself fearfully, heart thumping as you avoided eye contact with the spinning wheel and the spindle that ominously loomed above it. The object cast a shadow on the ground that you could see even when you looked away.

You closed your eyes tightly to avoid it's presence and tried to focus on things that would stop your sudden fear and the suffocating feeling that accompanied it. These things were Taehyung of course, and all the times he had managed to make you feel happy and free even in the horrors of the fairy tale world. 

Thoughts of laughing with him in the kitchen of princess and the frog, dancing with him in Cinderella, defeating the pied piper, taking care of him when he was sick, holding each other when he was drunk, fighting against enemies with potions, and confessing to each other danced in your mind as you tried to calm down.

The sudden sound of a familiar horse whiny broke through your thoughts, and forgetting everything else you immediately rushed to the window.

The way you almost cried in relief upon spotting the forms below you was enough to let you know how thankful you were for Taehyung and every moment he had been next to you through it all. He was smiling up at you now, a bit out of breath and holding onto Sudoku's reins tightly as he made eye contact with you. Confirming your previous speculation, he was indeed dressed as a prince and his aura deemed him one as well. 

This as well was familiar to Rapunzel. You were locked up high in a castle room while he was on the ground. Immediately before saying anything, Taehyung attempted climbing the stone wall to reach you, but he was forced to take a step back upon the sudden appearance of thorns that grew and blocked his path.

After initial shock, his face crumpled in confusion and disappointment before looking back up at you.

"Hi (Y/N), any idea on how I can get to you? I wasn't exactly done hugging you yet."

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