SIXTEEN| Burning

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Trust Kim Taehyung? Why would one do such a thing?

Those were words you might have thought... given situations entirely different. You can say things like this all you want, but the way you view someone can change entirely based on certain... happenings. 

Being lured by the Pied Piper was certainly a situation such as this, and although the music still lightly flooded into your ears beneath the palms of Taehyung's hands and you still felt compelled to follow it, the slight dimming of it's intensity allowed you to realize that even though you wanted to follow the sounds of the flute... you were in danger.

And you were conflicted. You wanted to pull away and run towards the music, but you didn't want the guy in front of you to stop at the same time. Somehow you knew that something bad was happening and he who was stopping you was... saving you. 

Your eyes landed on his lips as the mouthed the words that should have made you nervous. 

Trust me.

But... they didn't make you nervous. Somehow, you suddenly felt as if he was the only thing as compelling as the music and the only thing holding you back. And maybe this was a good thing. 

Yes, you trusted Kim Taehyung. Your heart pounded with adrenaline as your hand went up to rest on his that was still cupped around your ears. His eyes bore into yours in a way that tried to portray his desperation for you to comply. 

However, when his hands slightly loosened their pressure on your ears and the music got louder, you panicked; grasping onto his hands and pushing them back against your ears in fear. You needed him, you didn't want him to leave. You didn't want to be pulled by danger.

You looked at him with wide fearful eyes before closing them and lightly curling your fingers around his warm hands in a signal that you wanted him to stay. When you opened your eyes again Taehyung was talking once more; running his mouth like he normally would but you unable to hear what he was saying. Instead you focused on the sort of sympathetic guilt in his eyes and the hue of pink upon his cheeks. 

His hands trembled lightly as you were able to make out the words trust me again after he bit his lip and slowed down his unknown rambling. 

So, you did. His hands lightly slid off your ears once more, and this time, you let them.

Taehyung knew what he had to do, because even if he saved you, there were still many others effected by the Pied Piper. He assumed no one had stood up to him yet out of fear but... Taehyung was apparently destined to. There was no stopping the words on his wrist that certainly meant he was supposed to mute the song of the flute.

And the only way to find him was through you, as guilty as he was. The minute his hands were off your ears your desperate gaze seemed to turn blank once more as you immediately began walking past him. Taehyung found that he felt sick to his stomach when he saw your entranced form and quickly grabbed onto your hand and held it as you stumbled forwards.

"I'm sorry (Y/N)," He whimpered, your cold hand in his making him feel worse, "But you have to trust me." 

Even in your state, you didn't reject his touch. Taehyung felt his heart swell before interlacing his fingers with your trembling ones, hoping that you knew he was still there. Hoping you knew he hadn't left you.

Because he was determined to never leave you again. 

In this sense he stayed close to you and tried to make sure you were OK, tightening his grip whenever you stumbled and always looking at you. Maybe it was his imagination, but he could have swore he felt you clutch onto his hand tighter when it seemed as if the two of you were getting closer to the music only you could hear. 

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