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Like soft brushes of wings, it seemed like his lips never missed a beat. It moved in time with your own beat that vibrated in your chest, and the music the two of you seemed to be making drowned out all your other senses.

At first he had been rather forward and passionate in the way he kissed you, even going as far as to push you backwards in order to fully access and dominate you in any way he pleased. Maybe he had been this way because of the seemingly never endless frustration he had experienced through out the stories, and now all that was dispersing like explosions of waves on a shore. 

You knew being in such a position with Kim Taehyung right then was a bad idea, especially when his tongue seemed to appear somewhere in the heat and you felt his hands feverishly trail lower in only slight hesitance that you didn't think he would be able hold onto much longer. 

You clenched your eyes shut even tighter when his tongue flicked against your mouth like a soft but dangerous flame and you knew you had to do something to disperse of the heat flooding your stomach under his touches. 

It wasn't that you didn't like it or even wanted it to stop, it was just that you hadn't meant to instigate something that went THAT far... and Taehyung wasn't immune to temptation by any means. You could feel the air growing hotter by the second, and you concluded that the positioning was a little too convenient based on the way that his hips were only slightly hovered over yours and any slight movement would cause the gap to close. 

Lightly you allowed your shaking hand to untangle itself from his hair and instead slide against his skin in a way that accidentally triggered him to make a small sound of pleasure before you were able to lightly push his chest back. He broke away from you at the motion and stared down at you with heavy breaths before you quickly sat up and threaded your fingers through your disheveled hair, he backing up and allowing you to do so as the lights illuminating through your wrists basked against areas of his face.

"Let's calm down a little," you suggested quietly, knowing how hot your face was and urging your body to follow your own words. He looked at you for a moment before you saw his senses clear a bit and he nodded in understanding.

"Y-Yeah, maybe we should," he agreed with a soft smile, a bit shy in response but not hesitating in moving forward again.

Before he kissed you, you were able to notice the world of Sleeping Beauty fading. The bed you had laid against looked more and more see through as the time had trickled on, and before his lips connected to yours you pulled him up in fear of the two of you tumbling to the ground when the object fully disappeared. 

His hands gripped onto yours and he used this leverage to pull you closer. In the back of your mind you knew that chapters usually switched quickly instead of fading and pondered this along with the light that mirrored Jimin's from all those chapters ago flooding from your wrists, but once again Taehyung had moved your mind in a different direction.

The truth was you were tired of worrying, and the way Kim Taehyung was now softly kissing you felt like a reassurance. A reassurance that everything would be OK. Even though the world was fading away, he was still very much with you as his lips curved into a smile against yours and you couldn't help but smile back. 

Right before a buzzing sound flooded your ears, you felt his hand cup the side of your face so he could gently suck on your lower lip; you wanting to cry in the reminder of everything he was to you and how he was making you feel but not wanting to break the connection that he had slightly calmed upon your request.

The buzzing grew more intense before the world went dead silent. So silent that you wondered if you had gone deaf, but this theory was debunked when you found you were still able to hear the soft paced breaths escaping Taehyung's lips against yours. 

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