ELEVEN| Engage

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Author's Note: Forgive me guys, I know I'm a liar and it's been a long time since an update. A lot of things went down last week. The result? Not a lot of writing and me not even following my own schedule. I'm so sorry for those of you wanting Stranded and Translate. They will be next. But until then, I hope this super long update makes up for it! Love you lots! <3

At first? Of course it was disgusting. You weren't Taehyung and didn't like to kiss animals, especially small mucus coated ones. 

But... after a split second...

You weren't kissing a frog. You weren't sure if it was one of those movie moments where there were sparkles, heavenly light, and magical music playing from unknown sources during the transformation due to the fact that your eyes were closed, but when you were no longer kissing a frog and instead a pair of lips...

Your eyes quickly shot open and you pulled away; covering your mouth in pure surprise as you looked at the guy you had just kissed with wide eyes. You had never been kissed or kissed anyone before and your cheeks became tinted with pink when you looked at the handsome guy you had just lip locked.

Taehyung stared as well; shocked that he had just seen you kiss someone and unable to believe what he had witnessed as he rubbed his eyes slightly to make sure they weren't playing tricks.

"Thank you," Spoke the guy, he giving you a charming smile, "Thank you princess."

"He turned into a prince..." Taehyung suddenly spoke in awe, a smile slightly forming in his own exuberance as you and the prince turned to look at him.

"Yes, a witch cast a spell on me that could only be broken by the kiss of a princess," He explained, you still unable to comprehend anything as you stared at the handsome guy who had just been a frog only moments ago. You blushed when he looked at you again and looked down.

He had golden hair and an angelic smile pulled on his full lips; eyes smiling along with them as he looked at you. 

"So really, thank you princess."

You found you couldn't speak and only continued to feel your face get hotter.

"She says your welcome," Taehyung suddenly piped up, coming up behind you and making you jump as he smiled innocently. You glared at him before squeaking in surprise when he lightly pushed you towards the prince.

He caught you and smiled your way again before pulling you close and wrapping an arm around your waist. You again got shy as his warmth flooded you upon being held.

"Come on, let's go to your kingdom. I want to marry you as soon as possible and need your father's permission."

For a moment there was stunned silence. You turned to see Taehyung's face slowly move from slight confusion to surprise.

"Marry?!" You and Taehyung both spoke at the same time; disbelief written on your faces and red etched across yours. It seemed as if the situation had reached a new level of intricacy upon this word and you found you had no idea how to react. You didn't want to get married yet... you were only halfway through college!

"She can't get married to you," Taehyung suddenly spoke up; he grabbing your wrist that had the word COMPLY imprinted on it and pulling you back to him, changing his mind about the situation quickly.

The prince's head tilted slightly as his eyes wavered to his hold on your arm.

"Why not, peasant?" He questioned, you immediately unable to help but burst into laughter. Taehyung looked at you and narrowed his eyes.

"Peasant?!" Taehyung questioned, clearly insulted as his usual joyous expression turned into an angry pout. "Who are you calling peasant?! And don't laugh (Y/N)."

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