THREE| Fight

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"And then the three little pigs were safe from the wolf!" Taehyung explained, joyously waving about his finger puppets as he finished the story and closing the book. You sat cross legged in the back of the crowd of kids who were intently listening to the story.

They all clapped as Taehyung bowed and you rolled your eyes. To your absolute horror you found that Taehyung worked almost every day except the weekends... meaning you WOULD be working with him at times.

You were not happy and had to go home to beat your pillow when you found out; completely frustrated and unsure of what to do. And now your pillow was flat. You blamed him for that too.

Taehyung smiled at you from afar and stood up; placing the book back on the shelf while you informed all the kids that story time was over and thanked them for coming.

You helped the kids find their parents while he waited. You ignored his presence behind you and tried to turn towards the inventory room instead, but he jumped in front of you.

"Good morning, did you like your first story time?" He questioned; eyes shining as he waved with the pigs on his fingers. You clenched your jaw shut and sighed.

"Excuse me," You spoke, your voice sounding strained as you tried to subtly let him know you wanted him to move out of your way.

"(Y/N) why didn't you text Taehyung?" He spoke in a whiny voice while moving one of the pig puppets towards your face. You pushed his hand away and scowled.

"Tell Taehyung it's because I don't want to and because he's annoying," You spat towards the 'pig' in order to relay the message to the guy in front of you. Taehyung laughed a little thinking it was a joke, but his laughter died off when you shouldered past him.

He frowned.

"Hey wait!" He called as you walked towards the inventory room, "I was wondering if maybe after work you'd like to-" You shut the door in his face. By now Taehyung was more confused than he'd ever been in his entire life.

He remembered very clearly the girl that lived down the road that he had been good friends with and all the memories you had shared before ultimately going to the same high school. You had been there for the entirety of his childhood, and although he had looked for you at graduation to say goodbye, he hadn't found you. You had left immediately after the ceremony.

Taehyung was unused to any sort of negativity shot his way and did not understand why you were treating him so coldly. It made no sense. No one had ever treated him like this before, and it confused yet also intrigued him. He remembered you being supportive and happy... but he hadn't even seen you smile yet. 

Taehyung stood his ground in determination. His specialty was people, and he would get you to drop your grumpy act if it killed him. 

You gathered the things you needed to restock in the book section in your arms and paused; waiting a few moments. Would he still be outside?

After a minute or so, you crept to the door and opened it a crack; peeking through to see if he was still there. You didn't see him so breathed out in relief before fully opening the door and walking to the book section.

You had to arrange the books in alphabetical order so began placing the books in the specified slots one by one. You made your way to the L's and frowned when you saw a book that started with the letter H had been placed there.

You took the book off the shelf and doubled back in shock; just able to choke back a scream as Taehyung's face appeared behind the book through the shelf.

"So about after work," He began, moving some books to the side so he could put his arms up on the shelf, "I think we should catch up. I don't even know what you're studying or anything."

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