SEVEN| Tower

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Sleep felt amazing. You had no way of telling how long it lasted, but it was incredible all the same. Unfortunately upon opening your eyes you had absolutely no idea where you were.

You remembered falling asleep at Rumpelstiltskin's, but what you saw was definitely not the same place you had been when you fell asleep. It was a more elegant ceiling; made of brick and marble instead of wood.

You also... felt different. It didn't take you long to figure out why. There was a sort of heavy and uncomfortable weight that seemed to drag on your head, and when you sat up on the bed you gasped in horror to see that your hair was incredibly long. So long that it lay about the floor next to the bed and made any movement hard with so much weight. You also now wore a more elegant dress than what you had worn the past stories.

You ran your fingers past parts of your hair in absolute awe; taking in the sight in disbelief. 

"W-What..." You breathed out before the situation became clear to you. Rapunzel. You... were Rapunzel. But then who was...

You gasped and rolled out of bed; hitting the floor in a quite uncomfortable fashion.

"Taehyung?" You questioned, getting up and looking at the other side of the bed with great effort. Every movement was difficult with your hair. "Taehyung!" 

He wasn't there. Your heart dropped. 

"Taehyung this isn't funny!" You sternly called, but you got no response. He... wasn't there. You were alone. 

Since Taehyung had always been with you so far, it had been hard to get scared. Now the horror of the situation willed itself upon you as you were completely alone in this secluded room with thirty foot long hair. You tried not to panic.

"OK... no Taehyung..." Your voice trembled slightly and you suddenly felt ashamed. "So what!? He's a nuisance anyway, right? I don't need him." 

You decided to look around, but to be completely honest there wasn't a whole lot to see. The secluded room only held your bed, a wardrobe, a dresser, and a mirror. It was very simple yet elegant in design.

Upon seeing morning light stream through the window on the far side of the room, you braved yourself enough to slowly make your way over to it; wincing as you had to pull your hair with you. This was utterly ridiculous and impossible in your opinion. 

You reached the window and looked out; eyes widening at the sight. This was to be expected due to the fact that you knew you were in Rapunzel, but the high up atmosphere and gorgeous scenery was still a shock. You looked down to see that the tower you were held in was a decent height of about twenty to thirty feet. Thorn bushes littered the base and a forest laid past the clearing.

You sighed in utter exasperation as you saw the situation you were thrown into. You slightly paled when you realized fully that you were in the story alone. If this was the case, then did that mean Taehyung was in a different story alone?! This had never happened before...

You quickly looked at your wrist.


You looked down and swallowed hard. You weren't super afraid of heights, but you did fear what would happen if you fell and hit the bottom. OK... you had to get down. How? You leaned out the window slightly and looked towards the ground. You would die if you fell. 

You noticed that a hook was mounted to the right of the window and you configured that it was for your hair to rest on when you pulled someone up. You knew how the story went.

Groaning at your own helplessness, you backed up from the window. For some reason, you kept thinking about Taehyung; wondering where he was. What if he died... alone in another story? What if you died alone here? What if one of you didn't uphold the key on your wrists? Your head spun as you pondered all these questions and you wondered what would become of the two of you.

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