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I never meant to hurt you. I never meant to leave you. I never wanted to forget you. I'm sorry for everything. I hurt you and need to fix my mistakes. 

Forgive me, (Y/N).

I'm not blind anymore. I don't know where you are, but we'll see each other soon. I can feel it. It's fate after all that we found each other again in the first place. 

Thank you for telling me. 

Now all there is to do is fix it. 

I'll be waiting.

Come back to me. Let's start over.


You opened your eyes with a heart that was still beating and hot tears that were still rolling down your cheeks; confusion stifling your senses for a moment as you had no idea where you were. Your legs ached from running and your throat burned from sobbing. 

Realizing you were in a new chapter, you quickly wiped your tears with the palms of your hands and breathed in deeply; sitting up in order to determine where you were. Horray. You were in a dress again.

And an ugly one at that. It was tattered and covered in stains; you looking down at it in distaste before looking around at the dirty sort of attic you were in. You shivered slightly as a draft swept through the room, giving you a chill before you stood up and rubbed your arms. 

Your eyes suddenly widened and you whirled around; looking at the bed but seeing no one there. You pursed your lips slightly and looked around, but Taehyung was no where to be seen.

This time you weren't scared to be alone. You were glad.

How were you ever going to face him again?

Everything that had happened in the previous chapter buzzed in your head as you fell to your knees in disbelief; cupping your warm cheeks in your hands as you groaned. He knew. You breathed in deeply and assured yourself that it could be worse.

At least he didn't know you had liked him.

But still... you could almost feel the things you had said burning in your throat and you still felt the thumping of your heart in your chest from the confession. Taehyung had finally worn you down. Although you literally felt as if you were in the deepest pit of despair imaginable... it was admittedly a relieving feeling to have the words off your chest. It had been exhausting to hold in your pain, and telling him was like a weight off your shoulders.

You stood up straight, telling yourself you were stronger than this. Everything that had happened with Taehyung was supposed to be behind you. You were supposed to act like you didn't care about him anymore. 

You kept these thoughts engraved in your mind and told yourself that whenever you confronted Taehyung in the story, you would keep your head high.

And as far as what story you were in?

"(Y/N)!" Screamed a voice you had never heard before, you stiffening before you heard the urgent and demanding tone ring through the house once more. You pushed open the door of the attic and followed the sound of the cry; rushing down many stairs until you finally erupted into a new area of the house. 

It was very nice; everything in sight clean and fancy in comparison to the dirty attic you had woken up in. You blinked in surprise upon the sight of three people; two girls and one older woman standing in front of you. They were all dressed in fluffy and elegant gowns but sported unattractive scowls as they looked at you.

After looking back down at your own tattered maid sort of clothing, you configured the story you were in fairly quickly.

"While we're at the ball don't forget to do all your chores," sneered one of the ugly step sisters, sticking her tongue out at you for good measure. 

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