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"Don't worry. She already loves you."


"(Y/N) I can't even tell you how sorry I am," Taehyung immediately sprouted the moment your eyes were open. His wide brown eyes brimmed with regret and emotion as he took his lower lip between his teeth. 

His attire was a bit distracting seeing as he was covered from head to toe in the color red; a hood covering his dark tresses as his eyes peeked through. You looked down to see that you were finally in pants; relief rippling through your body at the sight before you looked back at Taehyung.

"I'm so sorry!" He continued to say, his deep voice slightly cracking, "Please forgive me." He quickly knelled down on the forest floor and bent over in front of your feet; bowing and pleading for forgiveness. 

You were still slightly taken aback from the last chapter and found that his words were hardly registering. 

"Get up Taehyung." You answered simply. He looked up slightly before obeying and quickly brushing himself off. 

"Are you mad?" 

"I... don't know." You were unsure of everything at this point while you held your body slightly in your arms and turned away; walking in an unknown direction. 

"I forced you to switch chapters when you were falling in love with that guy. I'm heartless. I'm so sorry." He followed you closely behind as he continued to ramble on about his misdoings.

"I wasn't falling in love with him!" You insisted, snapping at your companion with a warmness gracing your cheeks. "I didn't even know him! It was just... nice."

Tarhyung slightly tilted his head.

"What was nice?"

"To feel loved!" You spat, "Now stop talking to me! I wasn't mad but now I'm starting to get there!"

Taehyung quickly shut his mouth after you insisted on him being quiet and felt his heart sink even lower upon your words. He played with the strings of his new hood as he continued to follow you; eyes always dancing to your form after flickering to the ground. 

He had known for some time that you were sad about something. You almost never smiled like you had when the two of you were kids and you always looked exhausted... physically and mentally. But in the last chapter... when you and he had gotten into the food fight...

You looked just like how he remembered upon prompting you into having fun, but better. Maybe it was because he thought that with age you had become very pretty, but your old smile definitely effected him as he was almost entranced by the way your soft lips softly curved upwards as you allowed playful giggles to slip between them. 

Taehyung found that he thought you weren't just pretty, but beautiful even; he being the kind of person that was quick to explore himself and attempt to decipher his thoughts and feelings. You were beautiful in his eyes, but also cold and confusing. 

He didn't like being confused, and when he was around you that was almost all he felt. Out of no where, Jimin's words came ringing in his ears, adding even more confusion to Taehyung's mind. 

"Don't worry. She already loves you."

Taehyung looked at him oddly.

"Huh? Who?" He questioned, lightly tilting his head in confusion. The prince arched an eyebrow his way before allowing a laugh to erupt from him; Taehyung disappearing before hearing him say one last thing.

"No wonder she sees you as a peasant." 

Taehyung was extremely clumsy, especially when deep in thought, and so he soon tripped and fell to the forest floor when his foot lightly caught a rock.

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