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Hello everyone! I'm sure you're soso happy with me right now, and trust me, I love you too <3

Just kidding haha, in all seriousness, you might notice while this chapter is called thoughts, it's not called FINAL thoughts like in my other books. Meaning, there is more thinking to be done on my end regarding (Y/N) and Taehyung's seemingly never ending loop that never truly reaches 'The End', even when they want it to. Meaning their story isn't done.

Meaning I've been planning a sequel for months and finally get to start talking about it and working on it!

Meaning I've been planning a sequel for months and finally get to start talking about it and working on it!

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"Maybe if you kiss me then everything will finally make sense."

In which Taehyung finds a strange book and can't help but feel as if the story it's telling is all too familiar.

Now it seems as if the only way to find the truth is to kiss the girl that got away and write the story that was always begging to be told...

"It's you and me until forever, Kim Taehyung."

I'd like to introduce you all to 'Until Forever', the official sequel to Ever After <3

I'm not usually so for sequels, but the contents of Until Forever were originally going to be in Ever After. I just decided to split the two up so there's a clear distinction between the fairytale events and the real world events. There's still a lot to be uncovered, and of course the question of this: will Taehyung and (Y/N) finally finish writing their story?

Only one way to find out~

As far as this book goes, I'm sososo thankful for all the support its gotten. I'm going to keep this chapter short because the story isn't really over, but it was no secret that from the original three books of mine, Ever After was my favorite. I was addicted to writing it.

I had a lot of fun, and I'll never forget the journey it was in writing it and all the beautiful people I was able to meet and talk to through it.

There's something so entrancing and immersive about Ever After that I can't explain. To me, it feels magical. If you were able to experience the magic with me, then thankyouthankyouthankyou~ we're bonded for life now ;)

I've been wanting to post this for forever, but here's some fan art drawn by Dina-soar who is a good friend of mine and is so super talented! (check her out by the way <3)

I've been wanting to post this for forever, but here's some fan art drawn by Dina-soar who is a good friend of mine and is so super talented! (check her out by the way <3)

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No joke I was so blown away and thankful, these works are so beautiful and perfectly depicted!

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No joke I was so blown away and thankful, these works are so beautiful and perfectly depicted!

Another friend of mine BreezieM30w
once sent me this post and told me it reminded her of Ever After, and honestly I'll never be able to forget it~ thank you hun <3

Another friend of mine BreezieM30wonce sent me this post and told me it reminded her of Ever After, and honestly I'll never be able to forget it~ thank you hun <3

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There's still so much to say regarding this story and my love for it and it's readers, but honestly I want to cut this short. After all, there's still more to be told.

This will be the last thing I post before school and honestly... I don't know what comes next. I want to ask for your alls advice, so pay close attention to my message board these next few days <3

I will try to stay active on Between Footsteps for now, so I'll see those of you who read that book there~

Until we talk again, keep chasing your fantasies everyone <3

-BurkahRae12/NinjaNotToday/Rae/Becca <3

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