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Your lungs screamed for air as you initially felt your senses return in the new chapter. Water stung your eyes so you quickly closed them; kicking upwards frantically and emerging above the water with a relieved and frantic gasp. 

You tread the water and rubbed your eyes so you would be able to open them in order to take a first look at your new surroundings. You quickly noticed that the salty sea water you had jumped into had now been replaced with pond water, and the surface reflected a setting sun that was fading in the sky above and causing the sky to darken.

A little ways away, Taehyung emerged from the water as well; coughing and spluttering to get the liquid out of his system before blinking droplets from his lashes so he could see. You met eyes but said nothing and only allowed your heavy breathing to be heard before you both began making your way to shore.

He pulled his body out of the small pond easily and offered you a hand that you willingly took. When he pulled you out, water sloshed about and trickled from your form. Droplets fell from your damp hair and plain looking dress, and Taehyung shook the water out of his own hair that was equally as wet. He did so aggressively and you made a sound of protest when you felt the water from his locks splatter against you.

"Sorry," He spoke sheepishly, his grin allowing you to tell that he didn't really mean his words.

You scoffed and more carefully used your hands to squeeze the water out of your own hair. While you preformed this action, you looked around at your new surroundings and environment.

There were sights that by now seemed all too familiar, such as woods and a small quaint cottage. Exhaustion pulled at your tired and cold body as your eyes caught notice of the little house. It was clearly where you and Taehyung were meant to go next, and after another flicker of eye contact, you both made your way there. You tried to ignore the water sloshing in your shoes and the cold discomfort that caused goosebumps to rise on your skin.

The door wasn't locked and Taehyung carefully opened it for you. You were shivering now, but upon entering the cottage warmth flooded your body. Although it seemed to be empty, a fire crackled to the side and flickered invitingly.

Puddles were forming around your feet, so you quickly moved towards the flames with Taehyung behind you. 

His silence was unusual and eerie, but you were more than happy to avoid conversation. You hugged yourself tightly and breathed in deeply to soak in the warmth of the fire before your thoughts were shattered by the behavior you would have expected from your old friend.

"Can we talk?" Taehyung asked in a way that made your heart stop before he moved to sit beside you. He did so in a casual manner and slouched as his still wet skin also attempted to absorb heat. 

You realized how calm the two of you were even though death had been so close just the chapter before. Were you really getting used to this life? After his question however, you were no longer calm and you avoided looking at him when you recalled your offer before he had cut the binds on your wrists in the previous chapter.

Maybe it was a heat of the moment thing, but regardless you had meant it. Every part of you right then would have done anything for Kim Taehyung, even giving into your worst fear of suffocation and offering your last breath. What a stupid suggestion, but you had said it and it couldn't be taken back. You had also agreed to talk to him about what had happened in the Sword in the Stone, and how your kiss had broken his spell. How he had technically won the bet. 

You had been in the wrong and it was a confusing time, so you still needed to talk out what had happened. With Taehyung especially, he craved communication, and letting things that were heavy on his mind go on without conclusion would torture him.

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