Chapter 1

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Hunter at the top


"Ah, home sweet home!", I exclaimed, setting my suitcase down to the ground.

Sebastian rolled his eyes and turned to Amelia who was by his side with Madison in her arms. She cooed at her dad and he became a pile of goo at her feet. His eyes softened as they gazed at Amelia and the little munchkin. Just three years ago, a lot has happened, we almost lost Amelia but she has come back to us and had Madison. Sebastian and her got married after a month of being engaged.

Madison reached for me instead of her own father, I smirked at Sebastian who was scowling at me and gently took her in my arms. Her big baby ocean blues stared at me in astonishment as she sucked on her little fingers. Being a three years old, she was an energetic baby who walked everywhere on her own and blabbed things we didn't understand.

Like any other toddlers, she picked up only curse words, but whenever she said mama or papa, her parents' hearts would melt immediately. She knew, she had all of us wrapped around her little finger, especially mine. Whenever she called me uncle, I would tend to her requests without a question.

"Uncle", Her little hands wrapped around mine and tugged at it, as if trying to pull me closer.

"Yes, munchkin", I leaned closer to her.

Her mouth opened and a burp was heard. I stared at her in disbelief while all of the guys chuckled. A minute later I followed and reached to tickle her tummy. Her giggles were heard around the room and soon she reached for her father. He took her from my hands and cuddled her to his chest.

Sighing, I went further to the living room, the mansion was still the same as we left before. The chandeliers hung around illuminating the dark room with its lights, the kitchen was spotless clean with our maids scattered everywhere. It has been a while since we've been here and I missed Italy dearly.

Don't get me wrong Russia was beautiful too, but there is nothing like our own home. If it wasn't for us going to Russia, then Sebastian wouldn't have met Amelia, she would still be in Edgar's arms waiting for the torture to end. The thought of such an innocent woman going through that made my blood boil and I was glad we got Amelia out of that situation.

"I'll be going upstairs", Without waiting for a reply, I went towards the stairs.

Yanking the door open with more force, I looked around it. The room still looked the way I've left before, there were papers scattered on the desk but the room was spotless, I clearly instructed the maids to not touch my stuff and they've done a good job at the task I told them. My bed was made and I strolled towards it, plopping down onto it, I let out a sigh.

The softness of the bed made my eyes close and I relished in the comfort it was radiating. No matter how hard I tried, sleep wouldn't come, so I let out an annoyed groan and got off the bed. Getting my suitcase off the floor, I flung it on the bed and one by one organized my clothes.

A knock on the door brought my attention and I opened it. Damon was standing there with his arms crossed across his chest. I rose my eyebrows in question and he pushed me aside inviting himself into my room.

"What do you want?", I grumbled and ran a hand through my hair.

"A situation has arose at the club", He turned his head towards me with a scowl on his face.

"We've been here for like what fifteen minutes, can't the situation deal with itself?", I mumbled.

"No", Was his simple answer before he left my room, leaving me alone.

"Great, now I won't get my beauty sleep", A scowl planted its way onto my lips.

Once I was downstairs, I nodded my head towards Sebastian and Damon. Giving their back to me, they went out the door and soon I followed behind them. All of us piled into the car and the driver began to drive. Silence followed and the scowl was permanent on my face.

The car came to a stop and we got out of the door one by one. I glanced up at the building, the lights were on and the music was blasting through the speakers. Sebastian walked up to the guard and he opened the door for us.

Women were either dancing or pleasuring men. Of course the men had to ask for their consent and if they said yes they would be allowed to touch the women. But without their consent, they couldn't do anything. If they did, the consequences would be severe.

A commotion was heard and we all turned our heads to see a man holding a gun to a young girl's head. Sebastian stalked up to him and caught him off guard by yanking his shirt. When he moved his head to the side, now facing us, my scowl became even more deep.

It was Mason fucking James. A man who once betrayed us, he sold our weapons to the enemies and when we found out, we punished him and I told Sebastian just to kill him, but he didn't listen instead he let him go. He was right in front of us now and I had the chance to kill him.

My hands made contact with my gun and I pulled it out. Pointing it to Mason, I shot without much of a blink. Everyone went silent and Sebastian gave me a glare that could put me to my grave but I smirked at him and gave a wink in return.

"What? You weren't going to kill him, so I did you a favor no need to thank me", I shrugged my shoulders and put the gun back to my holder.

"Good point". Damon chuckled slapping my back.


The first chapter and I am already in love with Hunter lol.

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