Chapter 16

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Look at that one fine piece of specimen 🔥🔥.


It's been four weeks since she's gone into a coma and the doctors are not so sure when she'll wake up. They have tried everything, but no luck, she's still unconscious, and now sitting here waiting for her to wake up, my heart felt like it could burst into a million tiny little pieces. I didn't know what I would do if I lost her too, as time passed by, she grew on me and now I wasn't ready to let go.

Sebastian has been a mess ever since, he wouldn't eat, sleep or walk unless we forced him too. He would sit by her side just watching her and whenever we weren't there, he would plead and beg her to wake up and just tell him she's okay. Everyday, I see him breaking little by little and I beg the gods above that they will wake her up soon.

The machines that are connected to her beeps as the time passes and it gets a little louder almost giving us a heart attack. The doctor told us not to worry since her body is functioning well, but Sebastian freaks out a little whenever the voice is made. Madison couldn't sleep well at the first few nights, but Sophia made sure to stay with her whenever she got anxious.

Hearing a shuffle beside me, my head turned to Eli. He looked even worser than before, his eyes were bloodshot, clearly showing us that he hadn't been getting enough sleep, well how could he, when his little sister was in a coma?

"How's she doing?", I asked him, scratching my stubble.

"The doctors told us, she's doing well but they have no idea when she'll wake up", He responded and took a deep breath to calm himself down.

Swallowing hard, my eyes closed and I leaned on the wall. If something happens to her, I didn't know what I would do, she was an amazing woman who deserved everything in the world. Sebastian loves her unconditionally and if something did happen to her, he would lose himself fully.

"Please, you have to pull through this Amelia, for Sebastian and Madison", I mumbled and rubbed my aching temple.

"I'll be back", I stated and left without hearing his response.

Once out of earshot, I closed my eyes and willed myself to calm down, but to no use my anger seemed to get the best of me. My hands turned into fists and before I knew it, there was a hole on the wall. My chest heaved up and down, sliding down to the floor, tears fell from my eyes.

"Why, why does every bad thing have to happen to good people?", I whispered harshly as the tears in my eyes fell harder.

"Please god, let her wake up", I looked towards the ceiling and took a deep breath.

Footsteps made my head snap upright and my blurred vision focused on Damon who was walking towards me. No words were uttered as he sat down beside me. After a second or two, I felt his hands on my shoulder and that's when I officially lost it.

"She's a strong woman, she'll pull through", He whispered and hugged me tighter.

Nodding my head, I wiped my tears away and drew myself away from him, this was normal between brothers, whenever one of us were in pain, we would comfort each other until we calmed down and later would laugh about it.  

"Uncle", Hearing a squeal, my eyes strayed away from Damon's and fell onto Madison's baby blues.

"Yes little munchkin?", I attempted to sound cheerful.

Running towards me, she tugged at my jeans and I bent down to her height, her baby blues glistened with tears and her little hands wrapped around me. Her sniffles were heard, rubbing her back up and down gently, I opened my mouth to say something, anything, but the words were stuck in my throat.

"I don't want mommy to die, uncle", She muttered and buried her face in my neck.

"She won't, she's a strong women, little munchkin", Pulling away from her, I gave her a soft smile.

"Promise?", She held out her little pinkie.

"Promise", I assured her and intwined my pinkie with hers.

"Now, go play with your auntie Sophia", I stood up before she walked away from me.

Sighing, I shrugged off my suit and loosened my tie, Damon watched me with a thoughtful expression not even uttering a single word, patting my back comfortingly, he nodded at me and left to tend to his duties.

"Doctor", I heard Sebastian shout and immediately ran to the doctor's quarters.

Frozen on the spot, I watched with wide eyes as her heart monitor beeped erratically. A nurse came into the room with a machine, hurriedly connecting to the power, she warmed it up and gave it to the doctor.

"She's going into V-Fib", The doctor yelled and charged up the defibrillator.

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