Chapter 33

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That warehouse gives me the chills *shudders*.


It felt like the time stopped itself as I gazed at his beautiful face, he was perfect in every way and I thanked the gods above for letting me see him. His tiny hands came up to wipe my never ending tears away with a small smile on his lips. Even at the age of five, he seemed to grow up way too fast. His eyes stared into my own and I could see he didn't loathe me like I thought he would, instead there was love in his eyes that told how much he yearned to see me in all these years.

"I am so sorry", Stroking his face, my eyes blurred once again.

"It's okay mommy", Laying his head on my chest, a sigh of contentment left his lips.

Standing up with him in my arms, I cuddled him close to me and slowly turned around. My eyes connected with his cold ones and instant chill ran through me as I tried to gulp the lump in my throat. A smirk was still intact on his lips and for a moment I feared he would do something but he just studied me like a hawk.

All those buried memories resurfaced itself playing like a broken record. The happy moments where we joked around, went out to take a walk in the parks and laughed together until tears ran down our cheeks, but those memories got replaced by dark ones where he would rape me continuously, laugh maniacally as I screamed for him to stop but the worst is that I endured the pain because I thought I loved him.

That wasn't love, it was just the fear of losing him. It was the fear that if I ever left him, I would never be the same again, it was a fear where I was foolish enough to say I loved him without a shame when Emma told me to open my goddamn eyes and look around me for once.

Love is supposed to be a beautiful thing where both partners are comfortable with each other, they would offer their unconditional support and love their partner without anything getting in their way. What Hunter and I have is love and I could without a doubt say that I would take a bullet for him, knowing  I'd die saving him.

"Well, isn't this a bittersweet reunion?", A scowl took over my lips as I heard his disgusting chuckle.

Taking full strides, he now stood in front of me and the fear inside my grew. My hands tightened around Nicholas as he whimpered and nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck hiding his face from his view. The nineteen year old naive girl clawed at me as the memories kept playing themselves never giving me a break of recovery.

"I've missed you", A bile rose in my throat as he began to stroke my face.

A shiver ran through my body as his hands wandered through my body. My entire being shook with fear as I tried to keep my whimper of agony at bay. Closing my eyes, I begged the gods above to wake me up from this cruel nightmare, but no matter how much I tried, I was still here in the arms of the devil.

Dropping his hands, he let out an annoyed sigh, "Let Nicholas go babe, we have some unresolved things to talk about".

Hesitantly, I put Nicholas down and my heart lurched in my throat when I saw a table full of weapons just standing mere feet away from us. Bending down, I stroked Nicholas' face and gave him a slight nod and watched as he ran into another room. My heartbeat increased when my eyes unwillingly made contact with his harsh ones.

A gun was in his hands now and he gestured for me to sit down onto the chair that was standing a few feet away. Casting one last glance at the gun in his hands, my feet padded against the floor and I took a seat on the uncomfortable chair. Coming up beside me, he silently took a seat and studied me carefully.

"I loved you, you know?", Whispering, he chuckled briefly.

I kept my mouth just and casted my eyes on the floor. My brain screamed at me to ask him why he hurt me if he did love me. But my tongue was too afraid to even utter a single word. The ugly truth is that, he didn't love me, instead he was obsessed with me. He wanted my body and he loved the control he had over me, that wasn't love, that was an ugly obsession.

His hands gripped my chin painfully and made me turn towards him. His eyes shone with so much hatred that it made me cower in fear. Knowing, Hunter was outside, made my mind feel at peace and I closed my eyes as I felt his hands tighten around my neck. My eyes reopened when he dropped me on the floor and stood up with his gun in his hands.

"You don't deserve an easy death, I will kill you and it will be painful", His promise held so much power.

Swiftly, he got a knife from the table, and slashed it across my stomach. A cry of agony left my lips as tears streamed down my face. My eyes rolled back agonizingly as another slash was felt across my rib bone. Not giving me a moment to breathe, he kept cutting me up everywhere on my body and I tried so hard to keep my eyes open.

My eyes flickered over to the door as it busted open and several men came in and began firing at the men guarding the abandoned building. His eyes searched frantically until they landed on mine and his expression morphed into pure horror as Axel continued to slash me. Blood poured out of me but surprisingly I didn't feel the pain anymore, instead a sudden peace washed over me and I smiled slightly at Hunter as Axel was tackled to the ground.

My hands fell limply by my sides and my eyes kept closing but I had to keep fighting if not for myself but Hunter and my son. Someone gently laid my head on their lap and my blurred vision focused on Hunter's tear stained face. Every strength in me vanished and I whimpered in pain as I couldn't move my fingers and wipe his tears away.

"D-don't cry", My stomach churned as I began to lose consciousness.

Both of us could feel what we couldn't say, but I wanted to be selfish for once and stay with him just a little bit more. Our tears were unstoppable now as he kept stroking my face lovingly.

"P-please, promise me that you'll take care of yourself and Nicholas", It was getting hard for me to speak.

"N-no don't say that, you'll be fine Mia Bella, just please keep your eyes open, please I beg you Melody, don't leave me", An agonizing sob left him.

"I'll always love you, Hunter".


Woow, that was something alright. 😭😭💔💔💔.

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