Chapter 21

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Look hot hott Hunter is 🔥🔥🔥.


Her scent immediately hit my nostrils as she laid her head on my chest. It was selfish of me to not tell her who I really am, but I just wanted her to see me as a normal person and not a monster that most people make me to be. If I did tell her who I am will she leave me like most people? Seeing Sebastian and Amelia's love, I envied them everyday and wanted a love like that. I wanted the person I fall in love with to embrace who I actually am.

It's understandable that Amelia doesn't fear Sebastian because she gets the mafia life we live in. But there are times where I can see the pain in her eyes when we go to kill, she doesn't want to lose Sebastian and I know she won't, but this is life, the obstacles we face surprises all of us.

"You've been quite", Hearing Melody's amused voice, I glanced down to see her already looking at me.

"I am just thinking", Grinning at her, I pecked her forehead.

"About what?", She sat up straighter and fully faced me.

At her question, I felt tongue tied, I didn't know how to answer her, I couldn't lie to her and say something else, I could either tell her the truth right now or tell her when the right time came. But how do a person know when is the right time to tell someone who they really are?

"I am going to tell you something, but please don't be afraid", Losing the smile I had, I turned my attention to the wall.

Before she could utter a word out, I gulped down the lump in my throat and my eyes found hers. It felt like electricity was sizzling between us and I wanted nothing but to grab and hug her tightly. The feelings I have for her were growing day by day and instead of being afraid I enjoyed falling for her. It's true that we've known each other for a little time but it felt like I've known her for a lifetime.

"I was born into a family who weren't normal like most people, instead they tortured and killed. To some people we were called monsters and whenever they saw us they either shook in fear or ran for the hills. But what we really did was to protect the innocent and kill the enemy".

"So you are in some kind of an organization?", Her confused face made her look adorable.

"To be specific, I am in a mafia", I answered straightforwardly without thinking too much.

Silence loomed over us and I slowly glanced down at her. I couldn't decipher what she was thinking, her face was blank of any emotion and I sat up straighter as her eyes met mine. Blinking rapidly, she scooted closer and tapped my face.

"You're really in a mafia?", Her enthusiasm made me confused.

"Um, yeah?", My answer came out as a question.

Her squeal was immediately heard as she tackled me to the bed and hugged me in a tight grip. Afraid she would slip, my arms instantly enclosed themselves around her waist and made sure to not let her go. For a moment, we stayed still like that, just enjoying each other's company until she cleared her throat and sat up.

"Wow, that's so cool", Clapping her hands, she gave me a huge smile.

"You're not scared?", My eyebrows rose as I waited for her answer.

"Should I be?", She shot back and crossed her arms across her chest.

"Well no", Scratching my neck, I forced my eyes to look away from hers.

Soft hands gently grasped my face and turned me towards her. Warm chocolate brown eyes stared into mine as I clasped my hands around hers. This moment felt so surreal, I thought she would be afraid of me, but she's actually excited that I am in a mafia.

"As long as you don't give me a reason to be scared, then trust me I won't be", Giving me a gentle smile, she rested her head against mine.

Whatever was happening between us, I didn't want to put a stop to it. We haven't even confessed to each other, and it was still early to grow feelings. But it felt like we've said those three words already with our eyes.


I am so single, *cries in a corner*. Lol nah real life boys suck.

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