Chapter 31

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Ok let me just say that Melody is freakin beautiful lol.


My widened eyes seeked Hunter's as his words began to register in my head. Those vicious words kept running through my mind, instantly making me lose my breath. Trying to gasp for breath, I gripped the bedsheets tightly in my hands as my ears began ringing. Tears poured out of my eyes and no matter how much I tried to pinch myself to wake up, I was in the same cruel place.

"Melody, Melody, come on breathe for me", Hearing distinct voices, I turned my head to the side.

Gripping my shoulders, he instructed me to take deep steady breaths. Once I composed myself, my hands instinctively circled around Hunter's neck. Whispering soothing words into my ears, he somehow found a way to calm to raging heart. At this point, I didn't know what to do, my first instinct was to run and protect my son, but I couldn't leave without a plan.

"Hunter I need to go", My voice came out as a whimper.

Wiping my tears away, his face hardened and his hands grasped my face tightly. "I will not let you go".

More tears fell, but he was quick enough to catch it. "Please Hunter, I love you, but his my son, I have to keep him safe no matter what the cost is".

He made a sound at the back of his throat as he glared at me. "Even, if it costs your life?".

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I nodded my head and dropped my head onto his shoulder. His hands came around me and caged me into his warmth, making my tears fall nonstop. I knew putting my life on the line was a risky way to protect Nicholas, but I had to get him no matter what, but I knew he wouldn't kill me.

Pulling myself away, I shakily held his face and wiped a tear away. "I just want my baby back Hunter".

Opening his eyes, he looked at me with a soft expression as more tears continued to fall from his eyes. My heart broke into two as he pulled me closer and laid his head on my lap. I knew he was coming up with a plan in his head but I kept it quite, knowing him he would probably chain me to the bed and not let me out of his sight.

Without saying anything, he got up from the bed and picked up his cell phone. Dialing a number, he waited for a minute before the person picked up. His eyes locked onto mine and his expressionless face sent cold chills down my spine. On shaky legs, I slowly started to get off the bed and strode over to him.

"Sebastian, please don't ask any questions, I'll explain everything later, but have twenty men ready and armed". He instructed and his eyes closed as the other person said something I couldn't hear.

Hanging up, he stared at me and I looked away quickly not wanting to drown myself in his eyes. Slowly walking towards me, he stopped just an inch away and crossed his arms over his chest. Pinching the bridge of his nose, his hands snaked around my waist and he embraced me tightly in his secure arms.

A sob racked through me again and I slumped down to the floor taking Hunter with me. My hands tightly grabbed his shirt as I weeped loudly. His hands gently began to rub my back in soothing circles as his tears fell down onto my neck. It broke me to see him like this and if I could I would take all his pain away and put a smile on his beautiful face.

"Everything is going to be okay, we will get Nicholas back and he will get the punishment he deserves", Stroking my cheeks, he deeply gazed into my eyes.

"You'll go into the warehouse and we'll be right behind you, but we'll make sure to not make it obvious okay?", Nodding my head, I rested my forehead against his.

Maybe this plan wasn't a great idea, since Axel was a devil and was full of surprises. I just hope we get there before he does something to Nicholas. He was truly a monster who needed to disappear from this world, how could he threaten me with his own blood? He was a sick and twisted man who truly needed major help.

Tugging my hand, Hunter pulled me out of the room and we both made our way down the stairs after closing the door behind us. Bodyguards were scattered everywhere and when my eyes landed on worried Amelia, I tried my best to not break down once again.

"The men are ready", Damon uttered and Hunter swiftly nodded his head.

"Whatever you're doing, just make sure to be safe", Amelia walked towards me and hugged me tightly.

Instantly hugging her back, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Giving her a meek smile after she drew herself away, I glanced at Hunter and entwined my hands with his. Exhaling, I stared at Hunter and he laid a kiss on my forehead. There was no going back now.

We all turned our heads, as we heard a shuffle on the staircase. Sebastian stood at the edge with an expressionless face but once he saw his wife, his eyes softened and he made his way over to her. Kissing her briefly, he turned his attention to us. Silently observing our faces, he cleared his throat and began to speak.

"We should get going, before it's too late", He turned his back and walked out of the mansion without another word.

Tightly grasping Hunter's hand, I began to walk after him as he lead us out the door. Inhaling deeply, I gave a gentle smile to Amelia one last time before focusing my attention in front of me. Six cars were parked in the driveway and we climbed into the last one. Laying my head on his shoulder, I closed my eyes as fear began to take over me.

"Please be careful", Whispering, I kissed his knuckles.

I hope nothing happens to them. What do you think will happen in the next chapter?

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