Chapter 29

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As she kept walking, my eyes looked everywhere and I am at awe how beautiful this place is. It didn't look empty, instead it looked like more of a house than a big mansion. The chandeliers hung above the ceilings casting lights and the more she talked, I became aware how happy she looked. Her hands were placed on her stomach protectively and I felt a small sadness swell inside of me as I stared at her swollen belly.

My own hands went to my flat stomach and I yearned to feel the kick again. When I was pregnant with Nicholas I was the happiest. Those little moments I spent together with him kicking and moving around my stomach, and me just talking to him, imagining a life where it would be just us two. I wanted to feel and talk to my baby all over once again.

I craved for a life with no worries what's so ever, in the far back of my mind, I wondered what life would be like, with just us three without these obstacles we're facing. I wanted a life, where Hunter, Nicholas and I could be a real family and I wanted nothing more than Hunter accepting Nicholas as his own.

Hunter would no doubt be a wonderful father, he was caring, sweet and loving. I could imagine a life where we are an ordinary couple without problems, sure we would argue here and there, but it would be nothing we could talk it out. We would watch as our children grew up into wonderful and loving kids, but it was just my fantasy where I craved for a normal life.

Nothing was normal about life, it throws these unknown obstacles and you have to be strong enough to get through them without any help. If you're not, then those obstacles could beat you down and you have no choice but to turn into a living shell. That's what I was until I met Hunter.

"Sorry if I am yapping too much", Chuckling, she shook her head.

The thoughts in my mind vanished instantly and I grinned at her, "It's okay".

Tucking a hair behind her ear, she gave me a small smile, "By the way, my name is Amelia".

Damn, even her name was beautiful. My grin widened as she stuck out her hand and I gladly took it. Shaking it for a second, I let go of her hand and glanced around once more. The mansion was breathtakingly beautiful and it was unbelievable that Hunter lives here.

"I presume, Hunter told you my name already", Smirking, I glance her way as she lets out a laugh.

"He's been talking about you nonstop, it makes me happy that he found you".

Before I could utter a word, another woman appears from what I presume is the kitchen. A grin settles on her lips as her eyes lands on us and I shuffle awkwardly as Amelia introduces us. She's no doubt beautiful too, with striking features but what makes me wordless is the sadness in her eyes, no matter how much she covers it up, I can clearly see, she's been through something not worth forgetting.

"I can see why, Hunter fell head over heels for you", Her smile is still intact as she says those words.

My own smile widened as a blush covered my cheeks I looked at the ground as I felt an arm drape over my shoulders. Hunter stood beside me and gave a stern look towards Amelia and Sophia muttering how they were being immature. Rolling their eyes at him, they waved their arms in a dismissive manner and turned their attention to me.

Pulling my arm, Sophia excitedly glanced at Amelia, "Let's go upstairs".

Not giving me a moment to speak to Hunter, they both dragged me away and I glanced behind me to find Hunter with his arms crossed over his chest and a huge grin took over his lips when he caught my eyes. My eyes flickered away from his and I forced myself to turn my attention forward.

The upstairs was just as breathtaking as the downstairs, it probably had ten rooms but I couldn't be sure because I lost count at the sixth one. Opening the door to a room, Amelia ushered both of us in and my eyes landed on a little girl playing with a man.

"Mama", The girl squealed and got up, running to Amelia.

"Hi, sweetie, you've been good to your uncle Damon ?", Amelia rose her brows in question.

Nodding her head, Her baby blues made contact with mine. "Who's that mama?".

"Oh, she's your aunt Melody", At that my eyes widened and I stared at Amelia in question.

Giving me a soft smile, she gestured me forward and my legs worked on their own accord. Bending down, I nervously smile at the little girl as she kept studying my features. Unknown tears made their way into my eyes as her little arms circled around me and she rested her head on my chest.

"My name is Madison, but you can call me sweetie because that what everyone calls me", Pulling away, she gave me a toothy smile.

Her brows furrowed and her little hands clasped my cheeks. "You're crying".

Sucking a deep breath, my hands rested on hers and I stroked them softly. Seeing her, I wanted to see my own son grow up in my arms not his. A tug on my arm snapped me into reality and I gave a little smile to Madison and stood up with her in my arms.

Tension settled in the room as Sophia and Damon kept staring at each other, their gazes unwavering. A sad smile took over Damon's lips and he shook his head before walking out the door. Sophia's eyes closed and she took a deep breath, turning her attention to us once again, she gave us a gentle smile.

"So, who wants ice cream?" 


I feel Sophia's emotions within me 😭😭.

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