Chapter 24

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"She handles pain like a pro and I couldn't be more proud of her", Hunter.


As soon as his fist collided with Axel's face, my eyes widened and I tried to escape from Aiden's back, but he held me down giving me a stern look. After trying a few times I gave up and watched the horrible scene unfold itself. A whimper escaped my lips as Axel's hands punched Hunter's stomach but he remained expressionless landing another blow on his face.

"Did she spread her legs for you too?", Axel growled as he pointed at me.

"That's none of your business, now get out of here", Hunter shoved him towards the door but before he could close the door in his face, he suddenly smirked and his disgusting eyes raked over me.

"I'll be back soon baby, I'll get you back no matter what", He willingly walked out the door leaving me with uneasiness.

My hands gripped Hunter's as he tried to chase Axel and when he looked back at me, his eyes softened. Without a word, he pulled me closer to his chest and began stroking my hair. After a few moments of silence, pairs of footsteps were heard and I had a hunch that Aiden and Emma were retreating back to their room leaving us alone.

The uneasiness came back as I thought of his last words before leaving. He wouldn't give up so easily when he saw me with a guy, but whatever he was planning to do, it couldn't be good but I had to prepare myself mentally and physically for whatever he was planning behind his sick head.

My mind wandered to Nicholas and I immediately wanted to protect my little baby from his own father. I knew he wouldn't do anything to hurt Nicholas, but he didn't even care about him, he was just using my innocent baby boy as a pawn to lure me in and never let me out of his sight.

Being back there again made me sick to the stomach as I thought of the disgusting things I had to endure. If I disobeyed him, he would tie me to the bed and torture me until I couldn't make a sound, sometimes he would suffocate me with a pillow just to teach me a lesson, I really thought I would die in his hands but thank god I got out of that mess before it got worse.

But now I had one mission in my mind, to get Nicholas out of that place no matter what it takes. I wanted him to be free and enjoy what life has to offer. I wanted him to be loved and feel what love really feels like. Feeling a stab of pain in my chest, I buried my face deeper into Hunter's chest as the tears gushed out of my eyes.

"I am so scared Hunter", I expressed the real fear inside me.

He didn't say anything but just held me tighter and pulled me closer to him. Just his scent was able to calm my racing mind down and I fisted his shirt in my hands as the tears blurred my vision. Feeling exhausted, I closed my eyes and inhaled in his sweet and manly scent. My mind became hazy and my body felt weak as a sudden sleep took over me.

Feeling being lifted into the air, I forced my eyes open and looked to see Hunter's face so near mine. Letting out a gasp, I strayed my eyes away from his and glanced at myself. My eyes widened as he gently laid me on the bed and softly stroked my hair.

"What happened?", My mind tried to recall the earlier memories from before.

"You fell asleep after that bastard left and I carried you up here", His jaw tightened when he mentioned Axel.

Sighing, he pulled me closer until I was lying on his chest and inhaled my scent. His eyes closed as his hands began to massage my tense muscles. A small smile lit up my lips and I leaned up to kiss his nose. Blinking adorably, he raised his eyebrows in question and I shrugged my shoulders. Honestly I didn't want to think about all the shit that's been happening lately, I just wanted to enjoy Hunter's warmth.

"Oh so you want to play this game don't you?", A naughty grin took over his lips and he instantly flipped us over causing me to yelp.

Staring deeply into my eyes, he dipped down and started peppering kisses all over my face causing giggles to erupt from me. His hands began to tickle my sides and I threw head to back as laughter bubbled from my lips. His eyes sparkled mischievously before claiming my lips with his.


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