Chapter 14

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Her aura changed the minute she walked through the door, whoever had called her obviously ruined her mood but I wanted to make her feel better, so I placed my hand on her thigh under the table and gave her a small smile when she looked my way. Every now and then, I'd rub her thigh soothingly to make her feel safe.

I wanted to ask the question that's been bugging my mind ever since she came back, but I bit my lip from opening my mouth and spilling out the question, I didn't want to meddle with her private life, but something inside my head kept telling me that whoever had called her said something she didn't like.

Leaning over, I glanced towards Aiden and Emma, before whispering, "Everything good?".

Glancing my way, she gave me a little nod and returned back to her food. Her plate was almost empty but she kept playing with her fork, not once eating the remaining of her food. Her muscles tensed and she took a deep breath before closing her eyes briefly. My hand snaked around her waist and I tried to comfort her discreetly while watching Aiden and Emma.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I put my fork down to answer it. When I heard Damon's panicked voice, I immediately stood up and began to walk to the door. What Damon said made me frozen on the spot.

"Come quickly, something happened to Amelia", He bellowed and without hearing my answer hung up.

"You leaving already?", Melody's voice made me turn towards her.

"Something came up, I am sorry to cut this short", I tried to force a smile on my lips.

"Oh, well it's okay,", She sounded disappointed.

"I'll call you", I bent down and gave a kiss on her forehead.

"Ok", Giving me a gentle smile, she closed the door behind me.

My heart and mind was racing with thoughts I didn't want. I couldn't imagine my life without Amelia in it, sure at first I didn't like her that much, but as I got to know her, she became like a little sister to me and I couldn't let anything happen to her. Getting into my car, I reversed out of the parking lot and sped away, trying to get to her fast.

Taking the quicker route to get home, I parked my case and rushed out of the driver's seat. The guards were standing near the mansion with stoic expressions, but some of them had worry written on their faces. Yanking the door open, I ran up the stairs and went to the doctor's quarters.

My heart broke, when I saw Sebastian and Madison's tear stained faces. Jogging up to them, I enveloped Sebastian into a hug. A sob racked through him and he buried his face into my shoulders trying to find comfort which I knew couldn't give, only Amelia could.

"W-what happened to her?", I whispered and closed my eyes afraid of his answer.

"I don't know, she was fine one minute then she fainted", He sniffled and pulled away.

Feeling a tug on my jeans, I glanced down and my eyes glistened with tears as I saw Madison trying to hold back hers. Picking her up, I gently laid her head on my shoulders and patted her back comfortingly.

"Papa won't tell me, but mama will be okay right?", Her baby blues stared at me.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I smiled, "Of course, she's your mom after all".

A commotion made our heads snap to the door and Eli ran in. His eyes scanned us and when they laid on Madison, he dropped to the ground and balled his hands into fists. A moment later, he stood back up and rushed towards us.

"I just talked to her on the phone twenty minutes ago and she sounded fine, how could she be in the hospital?", His lips quivered and he took a deep breath trying to calm himself down.

Before any of us could utter a single word out, the door opened and the doctor walked out. Sebastian was there in a flash and he looked at the doctor with hope filled eyes. The doctor sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"Nothing happened to her right?", He questioned him.

"We stopped the bleeding, but we don't know when she'll wake up",when he said that, a pin could be heard through the silence.

"Blood?", Eli hissed and walked up to the doctor.

His hands gripped Abraham's neck and slammed him against the wall. His eyes turned murderous, as he gripped Abraham's neck even tighter. I glanced at Sebastian who had his head buried between his legs.

"Snap out of it Eli", Growling, I tore him away from Abraham and gave an apologetic smile.

The doctor straightened up and explained the situation more deeply, "When she fainted, it was due to her blood not flowing regularly, we got rid of the excessive blood she had, but we don't know when she'll wake up, since she lost lot of blood".

"But is she and the baby okay?," I heard shuffling behind Abraham's back and my eyes strayed away from the doctor.

"Their doing fine, which is the good news", Abraham nodded at Sebastian.

"Can I see her?", Sebastian asked and Abraham gave a little nod.

Sebastian glanced at us before waking through the door with Madison. Sighing, I sat down on the waiting chair and closed my eyes. My heard and mind began to relax but I couldn't shake off this weird feeling in me which kept telling something bad was going to happen near the future.


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