Chapter 23

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A pic of what Hunter's tattoo actually looks like, who do you think he got it for?


Falling asleep in my arms, she snuggled deeper into me and I put my arms around her waist to protect her from this cruel world. Although she's been through hell, she doesn't let anyone bring her down and tries to stand up on her own feet. She doesn't expect anyone to pick her up when she falls down but now I'll be with her every step of the day.

Hell or not, nothing could scare me away and I will get her son back no matter what the cost is. Stirring in her sleep, her eyebrows furrowed and she let out a little cry of agony. Immediately whispering sweet nothings to her ear, I continued to stroke her hair softly. Once she calmed down, I gazed down at her and wondered the words I've said before she fell asleep.

I knew it was not the right moment to tell exactly how I felt but I didn't care anymore, I just wanted to get those words off my chest. Maybe she doesn't feel the same way I do, but no matter what happens in the future I will never leave her side. The thought of her going back to that douche made anger boil in me and I couldn't let her go even if she needed too.

My eyes flickered away from hers and onto the tattoo on my chest. A smile instantly took over my lips as I laid a hand on it. When I first met Melody, I couldn't get her out of my mind and before I knew it, I was at the parlor getting this tattoo of her. I knew there was more to her than that feisty girl at the bar and from then on I knew I was already far gone.

The phone beside me alerted me of a message and I reached for it being careful as to not wake Melody up. I stared at screen and let out a sigh as I read the text from Damon asking about my whereabouts. They all knew something was up since I rarely came home and whenever I did, it was only for emergencies.

Amelia has been bombarding me with questions but I kept my mouth shut not giving anything way. But by the way she looked at me every time I came through those door, she knew it involved a girl and to see the excitement in her eyes told me it was worth the wait. Sophia and Amelia, always complained how they wanted more women in the house, but under some circumstances those dreams turned into dust.

Out of all the girls I've met, I never felt these strong feelings I feel for Melody before. I promised myself I would never fall in love, but that promise broke as soon my eyes laid on her. Her feisty attitude and the way she moved her hips to the beat caught my attention and suddenly I was falling deep under a hole.

"Why aren't you sleeping?", Her voice came out groggy due to her sleeping.

"I guess I am not tired", Grinning at her, I kissed the tip of her nose.

Scrunching up her face, she sat up and shuddered as the wind hit her bare skin. A blush formed on her cheeks and she covered herself up with the duvet. Chuckling at her adorable reaction, my hands latched onto her and pulled her down to me. A squeal of surprise left her lips and her mouth formed an "o" shape as I started to tweak her nipples.

"Melody, someone is at the door for you", A knock on the door made us both look at each other.

Clearing her throat, she answered with, "I'll be out in a sec", and got up to get dressed.

"Hope they didn't hear how loud you were", I teased her and enjoyed how the blush on her cheeks turned even more redder.

"Shut up, you were even worse", Chucking a pillow at me, She jogged to the door and closed it behind her.

Standing up, I walked to the closet and began to put on a fresh set of clothes. When done, I made the bed and strided out of the room. It was dead silent as I walked to the kitchen and Melody was staring wide-eyed at the man in front of her. Aiden was trying to shield her with his body and glaring the guy while yelling profanities.

"Get out of here, before I cut off your dick", Aiden hissed and shoved at the guy.

"We both know you can't do that angel boy", He casted him a wicked grin and had the audacity to wink at him.

Seeing the fear in Melody's eyes, I hurriedly walked to where everyone was and stepped in between Aiden and the guy who was still unknown to me. My hand clasped Melody's and gave it a soft squeeze. Her tense muscles began loosen and she gripped my arm as if her life depended on it.

Taking a good look at him, now I knew why Melody wanted to hide herself. Standing in front of me in all his glory was none other than Axel smirking at Melody and I wanted nothing more than to bash his face in with my bare hands.

"Get your eyes off of her, you piece of shit", Growling at him, I took a step forward.

"And who might you be?", Giving me an indifference expression, he squared his shoulders.

"Oh you don't want to know", I chuckled wickedly before my hands formed into fists and hit him square in the jaw.


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