Chapter 10

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Emma at the top.


Her eyes were focused on the man who was next to me and once her eyes made contact with mine, they turned to slits and she began to take slow, steady steps towards me. Aiden was obviously trying to get her attention but she waved her hand to dismiss him. Sighing, he gave up and mouthed a,"sorry", my way. The only reason of why I was so afraid of Emma is, she was like a mother who would ask all kinds of questions whenever I met a guy.

"Who's this?", Her mouth curled up into a sweet smile.

The man stuck a hand out for her to shake, "My name is Hunter, nice meeting you".

My mouth literally watered when he said his name. I don't know why I found his name hot because it was an original name but on him it sounded so hot that I felt my panties get a little damp. Keeping my mouth shut, I pleaded Emma to not embarrass me with my eyes but she didn't even look my way.

"Emma", She introduced herself and ignored Hunter's hand.

Clearing his throat, he dropped his hand and glanced towards me with a grin on his face. Giving me a wink, he turned his attention to Emma. She had a scowl on her face but it quickly changed into a smile when Hunter looked at her.

"Would you like to stay over for dinner?", I heard Aiden ask him.

My eyes widened and I stared to shake my head at Hunter to say no. But he just grinned at me and his eyes strayed away from me to Aiden. Nodding his head at him, he followed Aiden to the kitchen.

"How do you know him?, Emma questioned, gliding over to me.

"I don't exactly know him, I just met him at the club?", My answer came out as a question. 

"How does he know where you live?", Her voice became more serious.

"I have no idea", I sighed and started to make my way to the kitchen.

"To be honest, he's hot", She made her way over and matched my steps.

"You have a husband", I pointed out and shook my head disapprovingly.

"Doesn't mean, I can't point out when I see a hot guy", She grinned and winked at me.

Hunter and Aiden were preparing dinner, both of them wearing an apron and walking as if they both owned the place. Well technically, Aiden did but Hunter was just a guest but let me be honest here, he looked hot as fuck in that apron.

By this point, every thought in my mind seized to exist and I relished in the feeling of excitement and happiness. This is what I craved ever since I lost my parents to that tragic accident. I didn't know much about Hunter, hell I knew nothing about him except his name, but he made me feel safe and secure. I wanted keep living like this, happy and free.

A laughter filled the room and I felt a little smile coming upon my lips as Aiden threw his head back and let out a laugh at what Emma said. At this moment, I could see why they fell in love with each other, they completed one another, I wanted to fall in love with a man who would complete me whole but I doubt they could ever handle my personality.

My eyes wandered to Hunter and I felt a sigh escape through my lips. I didn't know what made him so addictive, sure he was hot and an eye candy, but I didn't know if he could handle my personality or if he ever liked me. I mean technically we just met like few weeks ago.

"Dinner's ready", Emma singsonged and waved me over.

We both started to set the table and once the food was brought over, we all took a seat. Beginning to eat our food in silence, I glanced at Hunter who was already looking at me. When our eyes made contact, my heart rate sped up and I quickly returned my attention to my food.

"So, what do you do for a living Hunter?", Emma casually sat back and took a swig of her wine.

"I manage and run a company", Hunter answered without hesitation.

"I am sorry if this sounds rude, but how old are you?", She rose her eyebrows in curiosity.

"Twenty-six", Hunter took a bite of his food.

"Alright, I approve, you can date her", She clapped her hands in excitement and grinned at us.


Lol, isn't Emma a sweetheart? She's just like my best friend tho, whenever I start to have a crush, she turns into a mother hen.

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