Chapter 17

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It felt like this whole scene that was happening in front of my own two eyes were a horrible nightmare, the nurses and the doctor were running around trying to save her but I couldn't do anything, no matter how hard I tried to move a limb, it wouldn't cooperate. My heart felt like it would burst out of my chest even if I let out a breath, closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and forced myself to calm down.

"Mama, mama, please be okay", Hearing Madison's shriek, my eyes immediately opened.

Her widened and scared eyes were focused on Amelia and I knew in this moment I had to be strong for our daughter. Quickly putting the horrible thoughts away, I ran to Madison's side and bent down to pick her up. Nuzzling her head in my shoulder, her whimpers became painful to bear as the tears in my eyes came rushing out.

"Sh, sh, it's okay, mommy will be okay", My voice came out as a hushed whisper.

"Charge it to 200", The doctor yelled out the order.

Turning around with Madison in my arms, I made sure to tuck her head in my shoulder so she couldn't see what was happening before her. My heart sped up as I saw Amelia's lifeless form. She was just laying there, unmoving and no matter what the doctor did, the heart monitor wouldn't go back to normal.

"Let me hold her", Hunter came to my side and extended his arms.

As I gave Madison to him, I could still hear the heart monitor beeping erratically. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I rushed over to Amelia's side. Against the doctor's protests, I held her hand in mine and softly squeezed it.

"Come on Mi Amore, you can't leave us", I couldn't keep the sob as I gazed at her pale face.

Bringing her hand towards my lips, I laid a gentle kiss and closed my eyes. All those times we spent together flashed before my eyes, the happiness, sadness and the little arguments we had suddenly seemed to turn into unforgettable memories.

"Her heartbeat came back", Exclaimed the doctor and my head snapped towards him.

His huge smile made my heartbeat accelerate and I looked down where Amelia is. The heart monitor was beeping normally and I took a deep breath before a little smile took over my lips. Kissing her forehead, I willed to pull myself together and wiped my tears away.

"Keep talking to her, it seems to be working", The doctor patted my shoulder and checked her vitals once more before leaving.

Hearing the door close, my shoulders slumped down and the tears once again made their presence known. A sob racked through me as I laid my head on her hand. I thank the gods above for saving her, if something had happened just now, I didn't know what I would do without my lifeline.

"Mi Amore, I miss you so much, please just wake up soon", My eyes studied her face.

A sigh let my lips as she laid unmoving, the heart monitor beeped rhythmically and her chest heaved up and down every time she took a deep calming breath. A door opening made my attention turn to it and as soon as I saw who it was my arms opened. Madison ran towards me and I picked her up when she laid her head on my chest.

"Papa?", She mumbled and a yawn escaped her lips.

"Yes, little one?", Softly rubbing her back, I tucked a fallen curl behind her ear.

"I miss her", Her baby blues shone with tears.

"Me too", Sighing, I hugged her close to my chest.

"Can I talk to her?", Her question made me nod my head. 

Her eyes strayed away from mine and fell onto Amelia's form. "Mama, if you can hear me, please wake up, I miss playing, laughing, and making fun of Papa with you".

When she said the last thing I let out a pained chuckle. Whenever I'd dress up as a princess, Amelia and Madison would laugh their asses off and take embarrassing pictures and whenever I told them not to, they would say it's for memories.

"Papa, papa, her finger moved", She exclaimed and her excited eyes met mine.


Lol, honestly wanna give up on life, these days I am so stressed because of school but hopefully I'll get through junior year no matter what obstacles I face.

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