Chapter 19

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Five years, it took him full five years to finally let me hear my own son's voice. At this moment, I didn't know what to feel, these emotions that were running through me were overwhelming and I looked at Emma for confirmation to make sure I wasn't dreaming this. My hands shot out to clutch Emma, as the room began to spin around in circles.

"Get a hold of yourself Mels, you can't show weakness", Whispered Emma gently as she sat me down on the bed.

My eyes flickered over to her and the tears gushed down when I thought about my son being with that son of a devil. For a while, it went quite, both of us not knowing what to say, I really wanted to apologize to him, wanted to hug him tightly and never let him go. The fear of him never forgiving me crippled upon me, and my hands nervously scratched my neck as I imagined what life would be like with him.

Maybe I was a selfish person, I left my own son with him, but he threatened me, if I didn't leave Nicholas with him, he would kill his own son. No matter how much I pleaded and begged him not to separate us, he didn't even pay a heed, instead he smirked and carried Nicholas out of the room.

At that moment, I knew I would never be the same again, watching as my own son cried out and thrashed in his arms trying to get free, broke me in half. The tears wouldn't stop as I tried to get to Nicholas but my parents held me down and told me it was for the best. They were lying just like everyone else, how can a mother separating from her own son be for the best?

As the days passed by, there wasn't a single moment where I didn't think about Nicholas. I wondered if he ate, if he drank and if he slept well. I wondered if he still remembered his mother. Everyday, I endured the pain of seeing just his picture that he sent.

"Mommy, are you still there?", His voice brought a shaky smile upon my lips.

"Y-Yeah I am still here", Wiping my tears away, I clutched the phone tightly and closed my eyes.

"Daddy and I miss you so much", His words pierced through my heart.

Suddenly, I knew what he was doing, using our son to get through me. He knew I would crack if he let Nicholas speak to me. My mind told me to hang up right now and never answer him again, but my heart told me to go back to him for the sake of my son.

"Now, you have a reason to come baby", His voice cut through the phone.

"You son of a bitch", I hissed and ran a hand through my hair in frustration.

"Nah-uh, no cussing in front of our son", Grinding  my jaw, I let out a sigh and stood up from the bed.

As I prepared myself to say something, I heard the line get disconnected and glanced at the phone. Letting out a scream, I threw the phone across the room and the tears gushed out like waterfall. At this point, my mind ran out of ideas and my heart knew I had to go back to that place if I wanted to protect my sob from him.

I would do anything to get Nicholas away from him, even if it means me ending up dead in the process. No matter what the circumstances are, I have to bring my son here where he would get all the love he deserves.

"Melody, Melody, look at me", Hearing a different voice, my eyes flickered from the floor over to the person who was speaking.

"H-Hunter?", My voice came out barely above a whisper.

"Hey", Giving me a gentle smile, he tucked a piece of fallen hair behind my ear.

Not knowing what to say, I kept quite and looked away from him. My mind swarmed with unasked questions and I peeked at him from under my lashes. The anxiety building up in me instantly vanished and in its place a soothing effect settled over me.

I didn't know whether it was Hunter's presence that brought such a calming effect, but whatever it was I was thankful for it. Staring at him, I could finally see the concern behind his eyes and I gave him a gentle smile to soothe his worries.

"I am so sorry that I've been gone for a long time", He scratched the back of his neck anxiously.

Nodding my head, I made my way to sit on the bed and patted the seat next to me. When I first saw him, I didn't know how but I wanted to get to know him. Whatever is going on between us, I don't want it to stop even though I should be afraid of him, but whenever his around me, it's like time doesn't even exist and it feels like it's just us two in the room.

"If we're going to become something more in the future, you deserve to know my story", I stared into his eyes and when he nodded his head, I swallowed the lump in my throat and focused my attention to somewhere else.


Do you think Hunter will accept her once he knows her story?

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