Chapter 4

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My eyes blinked making sure I wasn't imagining things. Maybe it's the way she danced or maybe it's the way she threw her head back and let out a beautiful laugh but whatever it was, she had all my attention with just a look. My eyes trailed down her figure, her red dress hugged her curves perfectly and in this moment my hands were itching to hold her close.

"Yo, who are you looking at?", Damon tapped my shoulder.

Turning to him, I shrugged my shoulders and strayed away my eyes from his. No matter what, I couldn't get her out of my damn mind, so I took a huge gulp of my beer and stood up from my chair.

"I'll be back", I nodded at Damon and left to the men's room.

Resting my hands on the sink, I let out a puff of air and tried to calm myself. Glancing at myself in the mirror, I scowled. My hair were sticking out like I had just woke up and my eyes seemed darker than their original color, in short I looked like a girl.

My hands came out to smooth down my hair a bit and I swiveled around to make my way out of the bathroom. Once I was seated in my original seat, I turned my head to Damon but before I could utter a word, a girl came up to him.

"Damon", She said seductively while tracing up her hands on his chest.

"Get your paws off of me", He growled and shrugged her hand off.

I smirked as the girl stomped her foot, muttering curses his way, she walked away angrily. Damon took a swig of his drink, trying to clearly get drunk. The reason why he didn't let any girl touch him is because of Sophia.

Ever since they broke up, he's been miserable and tried everything to get her back. But she was one hell of a stubborn girl and I couldn't blame her. Damon did an unforgettable thing and forgiving him would not come easy. Hell if I was ever in her place, I would never forgive him.

"You didn't have to be so rude", I nudged Damon.

"Yes I did", He muttered.

Chuckling, I shook my head and rested my hands on the bar table. I felt sorry for Damon but then he deserved what he got from Sophia. If it wasn't for him then maybe they would live happily just like Sebastian and Amelia with a son or a daughter.

Standing up from the chair, I glanced at Damon and motioned my hand to the dance floor. He sighed and shook his head. I knew he wouldn't dance but it was worth a shot anyway. Dancing wasn't my thing either, but I wanted to let loose, or maybe I wanted to meet the girl I've been looking at ever since we walked in.

With hands in my pockets, I strolled to the dance floor and waited for the perfect chance to meet my girl. It was too early to call her that but I didn't give a single fuck. When her friends left, I took their spot and began to dance. She was swinging her hair back and forth so her eyes didn't meet mine yet.

She gasped when her eyes made contact with mine and she froze on her spot. A grin took over my face as I gazed at her. Beautiful deep brown orbs stared at me in confusion. Inching closer to her, I leaned in until our noses were touching.

I felt her breath hitch in her throat as she got lost in my eyes. Her mouth opened several times, but she couldn't speak, all she did was let out a puff of breath that seemed to please my cock. I really needed to get laid so my cock wouldn't bother for a while.

My lips were so close to touching hers but I refrained from it, no matter how much I wanted to get to know her, I couldn't bring her down with me, she couldn't know about the mafia and my lifestyle, but with just a glance I became so intrigued by her.

She seemed like an innocent vixen standing before me in that tight little sexy dress and I wanted to taint her innocent soul. Her eyes blinked as if she wanted to snap out of the spell that seemed to bind us together. Somehow, she leaned in even closer and I felt the whole world flip around and just then nothing existed but us.

"Who are you?", She whispered, her hands came up to my chest.

"You don't need to know", I mumbled, my voice coming out husky.

"Why?", Her eyebrows raised in question.

Shaking my head, I pulled away from her and disappointment danced in her eyes. Stroking her cheeks gently, I rested my forehead against her and inhaled her scent. She smelled of peaches and vanilla, somehow it became addicting.

"I got to go", I whispered and casted her one last look before walking away.

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