Chapter 2

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It has been a few days since we've been in Italy and honestly I was glad we came here. Everything looked lively and calm than what I remember at home. Most of the people here were really nice and helped out when we needed help. I've been holed up in my room for most of the time, Emma and Aiden tried to pry me into going somewhere but I always turned them down.

How can I have fun when my parents are gone? I wanted my parents to be here with me and comfort me with their warm embrace but now my life was literally crumbling into ashes in front of my own two eyes. Sighing, I turned away from the window and looked at the clock.

7:25 PM.

Time didn't matter anymore, it just felt like some jumbled numbers screwing with my brain. I tried to grasp my mind to reality and accept my fate, but somehow it refused to acknowledge that my life had no meaning anymore.

Somewhere deep inside me, I had hope. A meaningless hope that my life would be full of smiles and laughter once again. I wanted to go back to the girl I was before. The girl who didn't give a damn about what people said, the girl who always loved to joke and her life was once full of happiness.

"Mels come on, you've been holed up in your room for two weeks", Emma's voice rang through the quite room.

"No", I managed to say in a little voice.

"How long are you planning to stay in your bed?", The door was now pushed open.

"For eternity?", My words came out as a question.

Rolling her eyes, she pulled the covers off of me and tugged me. Falling off the bed, I glared at her and made an attempt to lay on the bed again. Plopping down on the bed, I stuck my tongue out at her and laid down on it.

"I don't care what you say, we're going out today", She rested her arms on either side of her waist.

"No were not", I answered grumpily.

"Mels, you can't be stuck here forever", Stroking my arm, she gave me a smile.

What she said was true, but I wanted to lay on my bed forever. I wanted to disappear from this cruel world and wander off to a land that was full of happiness and where my parents existed.

"Fine", Sighing, I sat up.

Her smile widened and she squealed while jumping off the bed. Immediately, she ran to my closet and pulled out several dresses with a thoughtful expression on her face. Holding up a red dress which stopped at mid thigh, she motioned towards it.

Standing up, I took the dress from her hands and changed into it

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Standing up, I took the dress from her hands and changed into it. It wasn't a surprise to her when I changed in front of her. Once done, I turned to the mirror and looked at myself. One thing I hated about myself right now was my eyes. Ever since the funeral, they looked dull and full of sadness.

"Where is your husband?", I asked her.

"Getting ready", She answered simply.

Aiden and Emma have been married for two years. When they met, it was love at first sight and ten months of being together, they got to know each other and Aiden proposed on their first anniversary.

"Alright let's get your makeup done" She made me sit on the vanity table.

Twenty minutes of poking my eyes of pure torture, she clapped her hands excitedly and told me to open my eyes. I stared at myself and a little smile took over my lips. My eyes didn't look dull now, instead they looked normal which was nice and I turned my attention to Emma.

"Thank you", I whispered, my voice cracking.

Nodding her head, she bent down and embraced me. Her sweet scent made my tense muscles relax. Drawing her body away from mine, she wiped my tears away with her thumbs and gave me a gentle smile.

"Girls, are you ready?", Aiden's voice snapped back both of us into reality.

"Yep", Emma answered and strolled over to her husband.

They both went out the door with me trailing after them. We all piled into Aiden's car and drove off to god knows where. The car was filled with music blasting through the speakers with Aiden and Emma's singing.

Thirty minutes later, we arrived at what looked like a club. Getting out of the car, I let out a sigh and looked towards Emma in question. Shrugging her shoulders, she gave me a grin and looped her arm through mine.

The guards checked us in and Emma dragged me to the bar. Rolling my eyes at Aiden who was glaring at the poor bartender, I sat on the stool. Emma looked oblivious at the guy's flirting and kept ordering her drink.

"What do you want to drink Mels?", She turned her head towards me.

"Uh, just beer", I said over the music.

Aiden ordered his and our drinks were in front of us before we could blink. Taking a sip, my throat burned and I wanted to cough. I've never been the one to drink, whenever I did I would either get dizzy or puke my guts out.

"Let's dance", She took ahold of my hands and pulled me to the dance floor.


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