Chapter 7

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Who missed Amelia? I feel like it's been ages since I wrote My Past Memories *sigh*. I miss Sebmelia.


The boxes felt light as I stared at them in surprise. Although it's been three months since I found out I was pregnant again it still came as a shock to me. These past three years has been a blessing, Sebastian has been an amazing dad and our love has grown stronger than ever. But this constant worry in me has been killing me, I understood he was a mafia leader, but him not coming back scared me to no end.

Madison has grown into a beautiful girl and my love for her grew each day as I took care of her. I never knew how a mother's love could be so strong until I had Madison. Sure we had our ups and downs, but we got through them together as a family.

"You're staring at them again aren't you?", A light voice came from behind me.

I chuckled, shaking my head, I knew that voice anywhere, for the past three months Sophia has been begging me to tell Sebastian, but there wasn't a right time, he was always going out to do his duties and I wanted to surprise him with something creative. 

"You should tell him", She suggested and stood next to me.

"I know, but I just don't know how to tell him", I sighed and leaned my hip on the counter. 

My baby bump has been growing each day, but it wasn't that visible where Sebastian could tell, it was a tiny little bump that was barely there. When I first took the test, I fell in love with the baby inside me and when I asked Madison if she wanted a little sibling, she was ecstatic.

"Oh my god!", Sophia exclaimed clapping her hands together.

"How about we do a little gender reveal?", Her eyes lit up at her own question.

"But I want to find it out with Sebastian though", I pouted my lip.

"Come on, it'll be the best present for him", She clapped her hands enthusiastically.

Sighing, I gave in and she tugged me out of the bathroom, walking towards the doctor's quarters, I looked around and my body shivered with dread. Although we were in a different mansion, I couldn't shake off the fear in me whenever I walked into a hospital.

Pulling the door open, she stepped in with me trailing behind her, glancing around, my body shook and a bile started to rise up my throat. Swallowing, I begged the gods above to help me calm down. My hands quickly went to my tiny bump and I started to stroke it softly.

"Hello Doc", Sophia greeted him politely.

Glancing up from his papers, he greeted us back and told me to take a seat. Checking everything to make sure I was okay, he sighed and jotted down everything that appeared on the little screen.

"What brings you here, Amelia?", He asked, opening a drawer.

Hesitation took over me and I wanted to run of the room, clutching my shirt in my hands, I answered , "I took pregnancy tests three months ago, they all came out positive and I wanted to find out the gender of the baby".

Without Sebastian holding my hands, it felt so wrong to be here, I didn't want him to get mad at me for not telling him, but I wanted to do a big and creative surprise for him. I wanted this pregnancy to be known by the both of us.

The doctor told me to lay on the hospital bed. Lifting my shirt up, I relaxed against the bed. Sophia was by my side in a flash and her eyes swam with excitement as the doctor got his ultrasound ready to be used.

"This is going to be cold", He warned before rubbing a cool liquid on my stomach.

It took him a while to find the baby's gender but when he finally did, my breath hitched in my throat. He was hunched over and it looked like he was sucking his thumb. With tears in my eyes, I stared at the screen for what felt like eternity.

"Congratulations, it's a boy!", He exclaimed happily before rubbing off the liquid off my stomach.

A small smile formed on my lips as I stood up. Somehow my heart knew it was a boy this time, I don't know how but it just did. Now I just had to tell Sebastian and pray he wouldn't get mad for not telling him earlier.

"Let's get the party started", Sophia bellowed when we made it outside.

After two hours, everything was arranged, I didn't know how but Sophia already had pink and blue harmless chemicals laying around in her room and she told me to put the blue one in a black container so it wouldn't show.

Pacing back and forth, I looked at the clock and sighed, it's been three hours since they left, and still no sign of Hunter's voice exclaiming he was hungry. Biting my lip, I grew anxious and glanced at the clock again.

A few moments passed and voices were heard in the living room, my face lit up and I sprinted out of the kitchen. He was standing in the middle with his arms crossed and a stoic expression on his face listening to whatever Damon and Hunter were saying.

His eyes glanced at me and the minute our eyes connected it felt like everything ceased to exist. My heartbeat sped as his eyes swept all over me and the room became too hot when he stared into my eyes with his darkened ones.

Walking over to where he is, I grasped his hands gently and tugged him into the kitchen without much of a word. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I stopped at near the table and turned to face him.

"Here, pour it in there", I handed a type of liquid.

"In the box?", He raised his eyebrows in question.

Nodding my head, I twisted my hands anxiously as he started the pour the liquid in the box. It took a few seconds to start up and when it finally did, the blue chemicals started to come out of it. Sophia squealed and the others stood shocked.

Sebastian's confused expression made Sophia laugh but I was nervously biting my lip as his attention turned to me. His eyes swept all over my face and a grin took over his lips.

"You're pregnant", He shouted in excitement.

Grinning back in return, I stood on my tippy toes to peck his lips. Pulling away, I leaned my head on his chest as his arms wrapped around me to protect me from this cruel world.

"I am, and it's a boy", I spoke softly.

Kissing my forehead, he pulled away and a tug on my jeans turned my attention away from him. Madison was standing with her arms wide open demanding to be picked and Sebastian chuckled, bending to pick her up.

"I am having a brother", She clapped her hands and leaned in to kiss my cheeks.

Right at this moment, everything seemed perfect and I wanted to freeze time to repeat this all over again. My past Memories brought me to where I am today and I wouldn't change a single thing.


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