Chapter 15

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"What happened to the brave girl you once were huh?", He hissed menacingly, glaring into my eyes, hatred swarming in them making it hard for me to breathe.

"Stop it please, it hurts", I whimpered as he slapped me across the face.

A sudden smirk took over his lips as I crashed to the floor unable to carry my own weight. The excruciating pain seemed to grip my mind and body and I couldn't get up no matter how hard I tried. A cry of agony tore through my lips as he grabbed a fistful of my hair and smashed my head against the wall.

A warm liquid trickled down my forehead and onto my cheeks. My eyes blurred and I tried so hard to keep them open because I knew what he would do if I passed out. At the back of my mind I knew that I deserved this because I was blinded by this man before me. A scream rippled trough me when he kicked my stomach and bent down with a smirking face.

"Oh, don't cry now, it doesn't look good on you", He chuckled menacingly and kicked my stomach once more before turning around to walk away.

Relief washed over me as I saw him walking to the bedroom. Slowly standing up from my position, I winced as pain surged through me. Taking a deep breath, I gripped the countertop and began to stand up. My eyes welled up with tears as I saw my reflection staring back at me.

The girl I once was, now gone, she was turned into ashes in front of my own eyes and in her place, an emotionless one took over. It's funny what fate has in store for us, never in a million years have I thought I would be in this state.

My thoughts came to a halt as I heard the bedroom door open. My head snapped up and in the mirror, I could see him clearly. His eyes burned me and I shivered in fear when my eyes traveled to his hands. Those long soft slender hands that once held me, were now holding a belt.

"Come here", He hissed and yanked me by the arms.

"No no, please don't do this, I'll do whatever you want me to do, just not this please", A shriek left me as he tossed me onto the bed.

Not even paying heed to my pleads, he discarded my dress and his eyes glared at my body. I bit my lip to suppress my whimper and flinched when the belt made contact with my skin. I tried my hardest not to scream when he turned me around and hit my breasts with it.

"This is what you get for not listening to a word I said, you're nothing without me", He roared and hit me even harder.

Continuing to scream, tears fell from my eyes as blood gushed out from my body. My throat closed up on its own and I knew at any given moment I was going to pass out. My eyes closed on their own accord and a sudden peace washed over me as I was my parents' smiling face at the back of my mind.

How can a love that was once so beautiful suddenly turn into a colorless thing? No matter how hard I tried to escape him, he was always there watching my every move.

Startled, my eyes opened and I took deep breaths to calm my erratic heart down. My mind raced with million thoughts and tears fell from my eyes like a waterfall. Clutching the bedsheets, my eyes looked around the familiar room and I closed my eyes in relief. It was just a nightmare, I assured myself and slowly stood up from the bed.

Making my way to the bathroom, I ignored my reflection and turned on the shower. Once the water turned into lukewarm, I tore my clothes off from my body and hopped into the shower. My tense muscles instantly relaxed and I let out a sigh as I leaned on the wall. That nightmare was a reality I created, it happened when I tried to escape him but like he always said, he would find me and punish me until I passed out.

"You're nothing without me", His voice rang in my mind and a shiver traveled past my body.

"You're wrong, I am stronger without you", I whispered to no one else in particular.

A knock on the door resonated through the room and I turned off the water. Wrapping a towel around me, I got out of the shower and unlocked the door. Pale blue eyes stared into mine and worry etched onto her face as she saw the distraught look on my face.

"One of those days again?", She asked quietly and tears welled up in her eyes.

"Yeah, but you know, I always get over it", I shrugged my shoulders but my mind screamed at me to tell her the truth.

Without a word, she pulled me into her soft embrace and mumbled sweet nothings into my ears. The tears fell once again and no matter how hard I willed myself to stop, they didn't, instead they fell even harder. Biting my lips, enough to draw blood, I swallowed the lump in my throat and drew myself away from her.

"What did he say yesterday?", She gently rubbed my back in a soothing manner.

"H-he's here", My voice came out as a soft whisper.

"What?", She whisper-yelled and her eyes widened.

"Yeah", I responded, nodding my head.

"Oh my god, we have to move", Pacing around the small bathroom, she mumbled incoherent words.

"W-we're not moving", I stated and stared at her shaking form.

Instead of me freaking out, she was doing it for the both of us. I couldn't explain what I felt right at this moment, but deep inside my heart, there was this fear eating away at me. But I had to be strong, I couldn't let him tear me down, not now, or ever again.


I am so sorry I took so long to update, school has been so stressing right now.

Please don't forget to vote and comment 💕.

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