Chapter 32

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Alright so, a couple of chapters left before this story ends, *cries in a corner*. 😭😭💕💕.


Exhaling deeply, I squeezed Hunter's hands and looked ahead. The car ride was deadly silent as everyone sat there with tense muscles waiting for the car to come to a halt. At this moment, I wished the time would stop and we would go back to our normal lives, but nothing about this life was normal, we were far from normal. My son was in the hands of the devil and I had no idea of how to protect him. I wished I didn't let my father's words get to me, if I fought for my son harder, then maybe he would be here, but he wasn't, instead he had to suffer because of me.

I was to blame for everything that's happened so far, if I wasn't naive enough to trust him, then all these things wouldn't have happened. Instead, maybe my parents would still be alive and I would be able to get married to Hunter like I've always dreamed about. Before I met Axel, I always had this dream, where I would meet the one that was right for me and we would get married with small guests. But my wedding with Axel was rushed and I always hated the idea of being tied to him.

But if those events didn't happen, then I wouldn't have met Hunter and that thought sent cold chills down my spine. In a short span of time, he has become someone I gave my whole heart to knowing he would treasure it. Hunter was completely different from Axel, he was caring, gentle, always loving and that's what made me fall for him every single second.

Hearing the car come to a stop, I shook my thoughts away and gripped Hunter's hands tighter. Stroking my cheeks softly he gazed at me like he was trying to memorize my face. I was probably looking at him the same way, the minute I walk in through those ugly doors, who knows what will happen, my only hope is that we all come out alive, so many lives were at stake here because of his vicious doings.

My throat closed up as Hunter leaned in closer and kissed my forehead, his lips lingering there for a long moment before forcing himself to pull away. Unwanted tears leaked out of my eyes and I closed them when his lips kissed my tears away. Finally stopping at my lips, he captured them in his.

"I love you", Pulling away, he whispered those beautiful words.

Resting my forehead against his, I took a deep breath and smiled at him. These emotions that were coursing through my body were enveloping me and I had no idea of how to get out of it. The minute I step out of this car, I might never see him again and that's the thing I am most scared of.

Somehow, I managed myself to pull away and give him a nod. Opening the door, he got out and held out his hand, hesitating for a moment, I put my hand in his and allowed him to pull me forward. Both of us took a deep breath as we looked at the abandoned warehouse that was just standing a few feet away from us.

Tugging me towards him, he rested my head against his chest and hugged me tightly. His warm breath hit the back of my neck and I willed myself to calm down as all my worries washed away. Unspoken words seemed to speak themselves as we both cocooned into each other and my eyes closed as he laid a kiss on my shoulder.

"Remember, no matter what happens, don't let him get to you", He instructed and laid a phone in my hand.

Slightly giving him a nod, I put the phone in my pocket, took a deep breath and turned away from him. I knew walking away from him was going to be hard, but I forced my feet to move forward never glancing back. If I looked back at him, I knew I would run into his arms and demand him to take me home.

Stopping at the front of the building, a scowl settled on my lips and I yanked the door open. Instantly, darkness swallowed me whole and I tried to make out shadows of at least one single person but to no vail, there was no one. Inhaling deeply, I took small steps and the door banged close behind me. Startled, I jumped forward causing myself to take more steps into the room.

The light flickered on and I looked at the source of the person. Dread ran through my body in waves when my eyes made contact with his dark ones. My whole body froze as he started to take big strides towards me. No matter how much I wanted to run out the door, I forced myself to stand my ground and not show him any fear.

"Where is he Axel?", Although I was afraid of him, my voice came out stronger than I thought.

Staring at me, he smirked and clapped his hands several times before a small boy came out of the shadows. Breath hitching in my throat, I looked at him with wide eyes as tears once again made their presence known. Five years without him, five damn years and suddenly he was standing in front of me.

"N-Nicholas", I breathed out and crouched down to his level.

"Are you my mommy?", He questioned and I nodded my head with tears streaming freely down my face.

Without a word, his tiny hands came around my neck and embraced me as tightly as he could. A sob racked through me as I peppered his face with kisses and gazed at his face as much as I could.


That beautiful scene with her son broke my heart in two 😭😭😭.

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