The Avatar Returns

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The trip back to the tribe was long and by the time we got there, I was dead tired. The sun was setting in the background and Sokka's head was the only thing shielding my eyes. Children surround Aang cheering at him. "I knew it! You signaled the Fire Navy with that flare! You're leading them straight to us, aren't you?" Sokka accused. Behind him stood the entire village.

"Aang didn't do anything. It was an accident." Katara defended him.

"Yeh, we were on the ship and there was this booby trap and well... we "boobied" right into it." Aang put his hand on his neck and rubbed.

"Katara, you shouldn't have gone on that ship. Now we could all be in danger!" Gran-Gran scolded.

"Don't blame Katara! I brought her there." Aang looks down, "It's my fault." 

"Aha! The traitor confesses! Warriors, away from the enemy!" The children walk away from Aang and closer to Sokka. "The foreigner is banned from our village!" He throws my backpack to the ground roughly. I cry out and pick it up. I glair at Sokka and walk back next to Aang.

Katara is practically fuming at this point, "Sokka, you're making a mistake."

"No! I'm keeping my promise to Dad. I'm protecting you from threats like him!" Sokka points at Aang.

Katara motions to Aang, "Aang is not our enemy! Don't you see? Aang's brought us something we haven't had in a long time. Fun."

"Fun? We can't fight firebenders with fun!" 

"You should try it sometime!" Aang cut in cheerfully.

"Get out of our village. Now!" Sokka pointed to the entrance.

"Grandmother, please, don't let Sokka do this." Katara put her hands out in front of her begging Gran-Gran.

"Katara, you knew going on that ship was forbidden. Sokka is right. I think it best if the Airbender leaves."

"Then I'm banished too!" Katara grabs Aang and starts to walk away. Sokka looks at her in shock. I turn around and pull her by the hood back next to me.

"No." I turn us around and push her to Sokka.

"You can't stop me!" She yells at me trying to walk away again but Sokka grabs her.

"Oh, I can't? Remind me again Katara, where are you going to go?" I look down at her and puff out my chest making myself bigger.

"To the Northpole! Aang is taking me!"

"I am? Great!" Aang cheers. 

I quickly turn around to look at him and make a motion to 'zip it!' his eyes go wide and he drops his smile. "Katara, your family is here. Your brother and grandmother. You'll hurt them when you leave. I'll go with Aang, but you need to stay here." She drops her head.

"So, you're leaving the South Pole? This is goodbye?" Katara doesn't lookup obviously hurt.

"Thanks for penguin sledding with me." Aang smiles at her.

"Where will you go?" 

"Guess I'll go back home and look for the airbenders. Wow, I haven't cleaned my room in a hundred years. Not looking forward to that." I laugh at him.

"Don't worry I'm here to help." I put a hand on his shoulder. "Let's go." Aang and I climb onto Appa.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay? Or I can even get you back to your family." Aang tells me.

I thought for a moment. This wasn't a dream and for some reason, I was in a different dimension. It's best they don't know, "I'm sure Aang my family isn't around anymore anyway." I give him a smile. He smiles back at me.

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