The Fortuneteller

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We had set up camp near a small river for the night. A large green fish had been jumping around almost taunting us. I gasp and point at it as it gets closer to the shore. The rest of the group looked over. Sokka jumps up and has a slight staredown with the fish. "He is taunting us!" Sokka runs over to his fishing rod and grabs it. "You are so gonna be dinner," Sokka attempts to cast the line, "Hey! Where's the fishing line?" He looks back at Aang.

"Oh, I didn't think you would need it, Sokka." Aang holds up the necklace he made for Katara.

"Aahh, it's all tangled!" Sokka groans.

"Not tangled – woven." He airbends himself into a standing position to look at Katara, "I made you a necklace, Katara. I thought that since you lost your other one." I gush slightly at the romantic gesture.

"Thanks, Aang. I love it." Katara takes the necklace from him. I stand up and put a hand on his shoulder with a smile.

"Great, Aang. Maybe instead of saving the world, you can go into the jewelry making business." Sokka glairs at him.

"I don't see why I can't do both." Aang smiles. I move over to Sokka and lightly punch his arm.

"Come on Sokka we don't need fishing line. We're gonna do this the Bruns way!" I quickly take off my boots and steal one of Sokka's knives. "We gonna get us a bigin'!" Sokka and I both rush into the water and begin to wrestle to grab the fish.

"Smoochy smoochy someones in loveeee." Sokka leans into the fish only to get slapped in the face and lose the fish.

"I...well..." Aang rubs his kneck. 

"Stop teasing him, Sokka. Aang's just a good friend. A sweet little guy – just like Momo." Katara rubs both Aang's and Momo's head.

"Friend Zoned!" I look over to Sokka. "Sokka! To your left!" I run at him as quickly as I can and dive into the water going after the fish. I latch onto the fish like a leach and hold onto it. "I got it!" I jab the knife into its side and bring it onto land. Sokka and I go back to the shore showing off our fish. "Victory is the sweetest feeling." A loud roar is what makes us stop our victory show and look around the boulders that show divide us from the world.

"Someone's being attacked by a platypus bear!" Aang points at the man and we all look. He was, in fact, getting attacked but he didn't have a single scratch on him.

"Well hello there. Nice day isn't it?" The man dodges an attack from the platypus bear.

"Make noise, it'll run off!" Aang yells.

"No, play dead, he'll lose interest!" Sokka yells at him.

"Whoa! Close one. Haha!" The man was completely calm as he dodged another attack just bearly.

"Run downhill, then climb a tree!" Katara takes her turn in advice.

"No, punch him in the bill!" Sokka makes an uppercut motion.

"And then run in zigzags!" Aang uses his finger to make a 'z' in the air.

"No need. It's going to be fine." The man reassures. Aang rushes down and airbends the platypus bear. He holds up his hands in front of the man protecting him. The platypus bear roars at Aang but is forced to run away when Appa shows up. The only sign of the platypus bear left was the single egg he laid on the ground. Sokka grabbed and held onto the egg.

"Thanks, but everything was already under control. Not to worry, Aunt Wu predicted I'd have a safe journey." The old man told us with a smile.

"Aunt who?" Aang questions.

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