Winter Solstice Part 1: The Spirit World

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Zuko and I didn't talk for long before we both went to bed. Or rather he went to bed. I stayed on the deck all night. No matter what I did I couldn't seem to fall asleep. Jorden's talk with me was making my head whirl. If what he said was true, then I am the product of my mom getting sick and letting some woman from another world plant a baby in her.  Yeah, for some odd reason that doesn't sound very plausible. Although me coming to another world isn't exactly plausible either.

I sunk deeper into the water submerging my face fully. The bath time I was having now was well needed. I had not had a proper bath since Katara brought me a bucket of hot water my first night there, and while yes the ship did have a shower it was mostly used by the crew members and Zuko shared his bath with Iroh. I lather the shampoo into my hair (I had to thank Iroh for this as he was the one who was thoughtful enough to think of me on his shopping spree) 

"Uncle! It's time to leave! Where are you? Uncle Iroh!" I can hear Zuko even behind the rock wall that blocks Iroh and Zuko from seeing me. 

"Over here," Iroh replies blissfully.

" Uncle? We need to move on, we're closing in on the Avatar's trail and I don't want to lose him! And where is Ava!" I look at the wall to my left for a second.

"I'm over here Princey!" I call out. 

"You look tired, Prince Zuko. Why don't you join me in these hot springs and soak away your troubles." I quickly rub in the conditioner.

"My troubles cannot be soaked away. It's time to go!" I can almost feel the heat that is radiating off of Zuko from here.

"You should take your teacher's advice and relax a little. The temperature's just right. I heated it myself." I dunk my head underwater and scrub out the leftover soap. I gently break the surface and wipe my face with the towel next to me. 

"Enough! We need to leave now! Get out of the water!" Almost in tandem with how he says it I get out of the water and begin to dry myself off. I put on my top, then my pants, then my weird shin guards that make it look like my shoes are boots and finally, I put on my shoes.

"Very well." Iroh groans. I can hear Zuko's cringe and know just what sight lay behind his covered eyes.

"On second thought, why don't you take another few minutes, but be back at the ship in half an hour or I'm leaving without you." Iroh sighs in delight and sinks back into the water. I finally walk out from behind the rock wall. I look around for Zuko. I see him retreating through the woods slowly with this head lowered. 

"I'm going back to the ship Iroh. Don't be here too much longer." I pull my towel off of my head letting my long black hair fall out of place. 

"Be safe Ava!" Iroh calls out still enjoying the water. I chuckle and begin to walk after Zuko at a calm pace.


"How do you solve a problem like Maria?" I gently hum along to my music, "how do you take a cloud and pin it down," A knock sounds at my door I don't even look up, "enter"

"Uncle still hasn't come back to the ship yet and we need to go after him." I look up from the doodles on my hand. I place my sharpy down and sit up.

"Sure," I stand up and place on my boots. "We taking a rhino?" I look back up at Zuko.

"Yes, follow me." 


"Uncle! Uncle, where are you?" Zuko yelled. Me and two of the soldiers followed closely behind him. The sun was unseen behind the horizon making it slightly hard to see.

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