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Many people have tried to teach us what's the meaning of life. I have heard people say that the meaning of life is up to us. My parents once told me that the meaning of life was to complete our mission on Earth. My borther told me that the meaning of life was to do something that made you happy. Some others may simply say that life is a labrynth we can never escape. History and books are the ones responsible for that idea. Those were the ones I believed. Simon Bolivar's last words were: "Damn it. How will I ever get out of this labyrinth?" Writers like Gabriel Garcia Marquez and the great John Green have used this line as a reference, just to show us the meaning of life. I used to believe in that. I used to believe that the labyrinth was the pain we go through, which is life. But not so long ago my life took a 360 degree turn that led those words, those books, and that History directly to a black hole.

Ever since the summer of 2013 my life lost its meaning. I knew this was all like a horrible labyrinth and I was asking myself the same question as that historic man. But as the rumors started spreading around town and as I cried for the lost of one of my dearest family members, I realized something. I realized that there was no escape from the pain and misery. As hard as I tried to find it, things would only get worse. It got to the point that I asked myself: Is there something that could put me in more misery? Looks like I was looking for it. Maybe if I had never asked myself that question nothing would have happened. The school year of 2014 brought me much more surprises than I had expected. That's when the revolution of my life started...and those words were nothing but attention draggers. I didn't care about the damn labyrinth anymore! I just cared about staying alive! Even if that meant being stuck in the cursed labyrinth.

My real question was: What can I do to save myself from the end of my life? In the summer of 2013, after seeing what I saw, I would have said that life was worth fortune. Your life could only be saved by giving everything you had to someone who doesn't love you at all...even if that means ending up in the ruins. But now, I have a complete different answer. You have to go through crazy tasks, decode messages, read mysterious text messages from unknown numbers, deal with psychopaths...and deal with the "dead". They wanted to trick me...but I knew my best friend well. He couldn't be dead. He just couldn't! And now here I was. After all those steps I thought would keep me alive, I was still questioning if they were all worth it. I knew it was all a matter of time before I would find the exit to the labyrinth. And if my best friend hasn't yet, then this was definitely going to be his time. But I knew there wasn't much I could do about it. I have done all I can. And if that isn't enough than beat it!

"We're here for you, Kate," my friends would all say. But no, that didn't make things better. That only got them in danger! It was crazy to think that all of these people were risking their lives to keep mine. But that wasn't the craziest thing. The craziest thing was that I was risking my own life to know if someone else's remained.

I sat down on my bed and started wondering to myself what was going to happen next. My life was just filled with surprises. And trust me when I tell you that none of them were exactly good ones. From a nearby room you could hear a sort of sad song, but the beat it had could get your attention. Automatically, I closed my eyes. I took a deep sigh and listened to it carefully. I listened to the beats that came from the music. Then, I listened to the beat I have been listening to all along. I listened to the beat that got me here in the first place. I listened to the beat that could go crazy from time to time. I listened to the beat I hoped wouldn't stop yet. I listened to my heart's beats.


Author's note:

So this is it until now. It is just a small prologue. not that good, either, but whatever :P Thanks for whoever voted on the last one. I guessed it was enough to earn at least a prologue. And for @LoveListenRead and @ShadesofGray, two readers who haven't left me, I am going to keep on. Thank you both :)
With much love,
MW <3

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