Heart's Games|Chapter 13: Falling for the Stevens

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Chapter 13: Falling for the Stevens

"We have to go back." I said as I looked back to the road we had recently left behind. Yes, the road to my old house.

"Have you lost it? There is no way I am going back!" Jerome exclaimed as he kept on his path.

"Jerome! Are you sure you didn't leave the door opened?" I asked him for the third time.

"I am sure I closed it, Kate. Okay? Can you please calm down?"

"I can't because I saw the door as we drove off and guess what? It was freaking opened!" I yelled at him.

"That's just because you are paranoid. We are not going back there. We are going to go talk with your uncle," Jerome stated. I grunted as I looked through the window.

I didn't want to go to talk with that douche. Seth is crazy if he hasn't seen this yet. What I didn't tell Jerome is that I am one hundred percent sure that I saw someone coming into the house. But he wouldn't want to know. Better said, I don't want him to know.

A buzz in my messenger bag distracted me from my thoughts. It was a message from Tyler.

So...where would you like to meet-up?

Had this guy gone mad? He was way further away from me!

"Who is it? You look confused," Jerome said as he tried checking my phone discretely.

"It's Tyler."

I quickly noticed the change in his position. He looked uncomfortable. Jaw line toughened, shoulders tensed, and fists clenched.

"Cool," he simply answered.

What was wrong with this guy? Wasn't it enough for him that he had Fanny? I rolled my eyes while thinking this before asking Tyler what he meant. It was only a matter of seconds before he replied.

Choose anywhere from Oregon. I am here.

My hands were ice cold while my face was fire hot. I suddenly forgot how to breathe as my entire body tightened. Did he really just do all of that just to see me? Where was he from again? Oh right! He is from Florida! And I quote: F.L.O.R.I.D.A. And just in case you missed it...

"He came all the way from Florida?" Jerome asked. "Don't you think that's suspicious? To just buy a plane ticket while you are a scholar-shipped student?"

"Maybe that is from his stepmother's money," I suggested, thinking about that witch's mom. Nina...

"I highly doubt it," Jerome sighed.

I decided to ignore his stupid comment as I kept on texting Tyler.

Are you kidding me? If it's true then I guess we can meet up wherever you'd like.

Sure enough, it was just a few seconds before the phone vibrated.

I'm at this weird beach and I am lost. There's the name Cape Arago in some places...

I had to laugh at that last message.

"So now you are all happy? Just a moment ago you were panicking," Jerome reminded me.

"Yeah, but Tyler's lost and it is funny," I said. He just rolled his eyes with a scoff. "Let's go to Cape Arago Park, okay? And don't complain."

He followed my instructions as I texted back to Tyler, telling him that I will be there soon. I am pretty sure this wasn't in Jerome's plans, but a little distraction doesn't do anyone bad. Right? Please tell me I am not crazy.

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