Chapter 3 - A Familiar Face

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Hannah's POV

Two days and no word, It feels like all I do is continually check my phone in the hope he's messaged.

Sat on my bed, I began wondering if Tony had given him my letter yet, I started to imagine how Clay would react.

I've missed him so much,

I miss his quick humour, the cute way he blushes, but most of all the way he makes me feel. I can be me around Clay, he's special... I need my friend again.

I just hope it's not to late...

So much has happened, I hurt him so much. The night at Jessica's, when I told him to go.

The way he looked, the heart break in his eyes... it still haunts me.

I slowly walked over to the mirror,

I stood, looking at myself. Staring at my bandaged arms... I wondered how he would react.

A tear rolled the full length of my cheek...

I still can't believe I done that to myself, the dark place I was in. Saying that, since waking up I've sometimes wished it worked, If my mum didn't come home.

I guess I'm still there sometimes.

As I Sat there getting ready, my phone vibrated. I picked it up without thinking who it could be.

I remember in the past I've been excited to receive a message from someone, that feeling you get when you see their name appear.

Never did I think I would feel like this.

1 new message - Clay Jensen

For as long as I could remember I've never smiled so much, my face completely lite up.

Looking in the mirror I realised I'd never been so happy to receive a message from anyone, Clay Jensen you took your time.

C - Hey Hannah are you there...? It's Clay.

It was true Clay Jensen, straight to the point. I couldn't contain my smile...

H - Hey Helmet.... yeah of course I'm here! :)

Clays question, are you there?  I felt bad, I knew he must have been confused.

I sat watching my phone.

Clay Jensen is typing....

I felt like a kid, I'd missed this feeling... I hadn't felt it in so long.

C - How are you Hannah? I've missed you!

Tears started flowing over my beaming smile, feeling so emotional... I began to cry.

He's missed me, no one knows how nice it is to hear someone has missed you. After everything I have put Clay through he still misses me.

You really are adorable Clay, I've missed you so much.

I continued typing, trying to dry my eyes.

H - I'm better than I was... Aww I've  missed you too helmet, what are you doing?

C - I have to see you Hannah, Tony is bringing me to see you... that ok?

I've wanted to see him for so long.

Am I ready though? What will he think? Will he think differently of me? Can I explain everything?

At that moment my mom walked In, she could see I was an emotional mess.

"Hey Hannah, Honey are you ok?"

I looked up at my mom, my smile beaming through my cheeks full of tears.

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