Chapter 17- I'm Sorry...

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Hannah & Clay drop Jess off after talking about the trial - in chapter 16.

Jess's POV -

"Thanks for the ride Clay... see you guys later"

"See you later Jess..."

Watching them drive away I feel happy for Hannah... Clay is good for her... she needs someone like Clay in her life... someone that loves her.

Everyone deserves someone... every time I get close to somebody it seems to go wrong... Alex... Justin...

Maybe it's because I've been a bitch...

"Hello, is anyone in??"

Nope... at least that saves the onslaught of questions... time for a bath...

Where was I..?

Justin Foley... I loved you... I still do...

I can't forget that you let that happen... you just left me... with him!

No matter how many showers' you take, how many times you laugh... it's still there. I hope that once he gets what he deserves I can move on with my life... Hannah can move on with hers...

Seeing Justin again was sad... I've never seen him like that, the Justin I fell in love with was happy, smiling, and cheeky. He looks a mess...

The hardest thing is I don't hate Justin... he didn't do it to me...people would think I was mad if they heard that.

I couldn't see him because I'm scared... scared that I will want him back... scared that I will fall in love with him again...

Well, not that I stopped... I'm just so angry... thinking of him makes me feel confused.

"Ahhhh your joking Jess... no shampoo... a walk to the store it is..."

As I opened the door and walked up my drive I noticed someone... is that?

Justin's POV

Nice one mom... takes his side as usual!

Why did I even come back? What was the point... no one wants me...

I knew why..... Jess

She's the only reason I'm here... and to help Hannah, was horrible what I done to her...

Walking to the Jensen's house I can't stop thinking about Jess... I hope she's there... I need to explain everything... if she would let me.

Last time I saw her she could barely look at me... I don't blame her... I wouldn't.

I'm a mess...

... A coward... who would do what I did... who would let that happen to someone they loved...

I just hope Jensen's mom can do what she says... I will say anything I need to... I don't care what happens...

Approaching Jensen's house I can feel myself getting nervous... I need something to calm me down...

Wait who's that... I could see someone crouching in the bushes... is that...?

"Tyler...? What the hell you doing?"

"Justin... shit... erm... I..."

"Get out of here Tyler... what you doing hanging around here?"

"I...I lost something... I'll go..."

As Tyler ran off up the street I couldn't stop thinking... why he was here...? At Clay's...

Come on Justin... keep it together...

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