Chapter 10 - Like seeing a ghost

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Clay's POV

Yeah thanks mom, how do I tell her that today? She will be worried enough. Gotta think Clay...

I'll have to talk to her later, let's go and pick Miss Baker up.

Hannah's POV

This is it Hannah, our return to Liberty High.

I'm so glad I have Clay, I couldn't imagine it otherwise.

The school said we can have the same classes, they want me to have someone there to support me, the least they can do, hey!

Beep! Beep!

There's my super hero in his bat mobile, oh yeah Helmet has new wheels.... 4 instead of 2.

I miss his bike, his helmet is so cute.

"By Mom, love you."

My mom hugged so tight, It was like I was going away.

"I love you honey, take care and let me know how it goes, ok?"

Smiling at my mom, feeling nervous. It feels like it's my first day of school all over again.

"Where's Clay, honey? Is he here..?"

I opened the door to find Clay standing by his car, wearing his helmet.

Me and mom started laughing so much, it was the funniest thing.

He looked adorable...

As I walked towards I him, I couldn't stop grinning.

"I don't know how you do it helmet!"

His cheeky smile made me smile even more, I could see him blushing as I looked at him.

"It's pretty simple Hannah, well the straps are a bit fiddly... but I'm a super hero and everything"

He's such a nerd, I could feel my eyes rolling.

"No Helmet, not your helmet!!"

I couldn't stop smiling.

"Ahhhh your smile Miss Baker? One of my powers!"

Clay's smile was infectious, he still surprises me everyday. I was the one blushing now.

The drive to school was amusing, he still had his helmet on.

I must have been smiling the whole way, he looked so funny.

Before I knew it we were here, car parked... helmet off.

Clay opened the door for me like a true gentleman,

"After you miss baker..."

You're so cute Clay, taking my mind off everything. Everything became real very quick though.

It felt like everyone was looking at us, in reality I don't think anyone had even noticed we were there.

"You ready Hannah?

I nodded gently at Helmet with a little smile, he reached for my hand.When did Clay become so brave? I'm sure we've reversed roles.

As we walked towards the entrance, I remember holding his hand so tight. Clay continually looking at me, making sure I was ok.

Was weird how I felt so safe with him, considering at that moment, I had so many nerves.

Clay opened the door, I took a deep breath and walked through the door.

Walking the hall seemed new, different... I was with Clay.

I could feel so many eyes, so many people looking at us. Faces of shock... smiling, some thinking what the... it was as if they'd seen a ghost.

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