chapter 27 - Memories

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Sat in Lainies car, a part of me needs to turn back, run back to Clays side. Another part of me needs air... I need to be somewhere else, somewhere that was special to me and Clay...

I need to feel our memories... feel closer to us, I needed to leave that room... that room wasn't me and Clay.

I knew exactly where I wanted to go...

As I started driving my mind continually took me back to last night...

Something happened, Clays brain reacted... it sent his monitor mad. The doctor said it could be something, it could be nothing... only time will tell.

I could hardly sleep the rest of the night... Lainie came back to the hospital with Matt.

We sat, we waited... nothing...

Lainie insisted I get out, I didnt want to... I promised Clay.

Lainie POV

Looking at Hannah, I'm worried about her. She needs fresh air... she's giving everything to Clay, she needs to think of herself too, she looks low.

"Hannah, honey... you okay?"

She smiled and nodded but I can tell by her eyes she's not, she looks lost... like her hopes had been built up and destroyed.

"I'm ok... thanks Lainie"

I looked at Hannah, not convinced by her previous statement...

"Ok... I've been better! I just feel low, I miss him so much... I just want him back"

"Hannah... why dont you get out? Just for a bit... take my car, go for a drive"

Hannah looked at me, it was like I'd asked her not to come back.

"No... Lainie. I can't leave him... what if something happened...? I promised him I wouldn't leave..."

I smiled at Hannah... she's sweet how she cares for Clay. He's lucky to have someone that cares about him, as his mom that's all I've wanted.

"Hannah... Clay needs you to be strong for him, he needs you to be well. It's not just about Clay... your important to me!"

She smiled like no one had said that in a long time...

I think a lot of Hannah, she's been through a lot... she has problems and I don't blame her. Her heart is good... she's strong, even if she doesn't agree all of the time... she will work things out.

"Thanks Lainie... but...

"No buts... I insist... I'm here, your mom will be soon. I have your number honey, if anything happens I will call you straight away... ok? You promised Clay you would be here for him... you need some time for you"

"I dunno... I could use some air... are you sure?"

I nodded at Hannah like a stern mother... smiling at the same time. Watching her prepare for her departure was like a kid leaving a party... Hannah knew she needed to go, even though she didn't want too.

She kissed Clay gently... it was sweet... it was like she was leaving a part of her behind.

"Thanks Lainie... I'll be back soon"

I gave her a hug as she left... I watched hannah, still glancing at Clay as she walked passed the window...

I smiled to myself...

Hannah's POV

I remember this road, this drive... Clay smiling at me. I was so intrigued about what he had planned that day, when he pulled the blindfold out I almost died...

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