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Age six.......

"Shut up you freak!" A boy said shoving me up against a wall. "Observe this!" I felt a punch to my gut.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" A curly haired boy yelled at the boy who was bullying me.

"Oh yeah, what are you gonna do about it punk?" The boy asked. The curly head boy then kicked the back of the other guys knee making him fall forward. The boy then grabbed my hand and we ran to the other side of the school.

"Who are you?" I asked him when we stopped.

"William Sherlock Scott Holmes but people call me Sherlock." Sherlock told me.

"Samara Faith Finley bit you can call me Sam." I smiled at him. From then on we were best friends.

Age 16.........

By this time I was always at Sherlock's. Everyday I would go over to his house. His brother Mycroft, or as I called him, Mykie, had already graduated and was in University.

We sat in Sherlock's room. Talking about future experiments. "Samara, can I talk to you about something?"

"Okay, this must be serious becuase you never call me by my full name." I looked at him, suspiciously.

"Sammy, you know how I always insult sentiment?" He asked.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"I feel a strong sentiment for you Samara." He told me. My eyes widened and looked at him Infelt tear well up behind my eyes. Thisnjust made my news a lot more harder.

"Sher, I feel a very strong sentiment towards you as well, which makes this harder." I sighed.

"What's wrong?" He asked, I felt a tear run down my face.

"We are moving in with my Mum's boyfriend, in Ireland. I just found out today." I told him, "I don't want to leave you, Sherlock." He turned and faced me.

"I don't want you to leave, Sammy." He told me as tears fell from my face. We embraced each other, I sobbed into the crook of his neck. He kissed my forehead, which was normal for him to do that. I felt my shoulder get wet with his tears. I didn't mind it, since I was crying myself. After a while we stopped hugging and Sherlock held my hand. That night, I spent the night. I would always stay at his house and one day we said screw it and I started keeping clothes in Sher's room so that I didn't have to go back home for clothes. I slept in my best friend's arms that night. Then next morning we told Mykie, who was home form Uni for the summer, and Mr and Mrs Holmes, they are pretty much my other parents. Mr. Holmes has pretty much been the only father figure in my life when my dad abandoned me when I was born. Mykie is the brother I never had and Sher, Sher is the person I love, my best friend. We were even more inseparable the next month before I left.  He helped me pack, which was nice but it was really freaking sad. The last day the whole Holmes family came and said good bye. Even Mycroft was tearful. Now, I was a mess and so was Sher. Then my mum pulled me to a different room.

"Samara, I should have told you this originally but I couldn't bring myself to it." Mum began, "My boyfriend that we are moving in with is your biological father."

"He's my what?!" I said pissed.

"Your biological father." She awnsered.

"YOU TOLD ME MY FATHER WAS TRASH AND YET YOU RUN BACK TO HIM!" I raised my voice and my Mum was taken back by it.

"And you have and older half brother." She added.

"AND I HAVE A FUCKING SECRET BROTHER. YOU HAVE TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME." I was pissed. I stormed out of the house and hot wired mum's car after I realised I left the keys in the house. Then I drove to the creek, Sher and I's spot.

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