Back To 221B Baker Street

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The Airport..........

I walked off my flight, looking for my favorite black mop of curls or as Garcia calls him, Mr. Cheekbones. After a few seconds I found Sherlock, John and....... Rose waiting for me. Holy shit. So it Mary is Rose. Sherlock saw me and smiled as I walked over there. He gave me a quick peck on the lips and a giant hug. Then I hugged John. "Sam, this is Mary Morstan. Mary this is Samara Finley." John introduced us.

"It's good to meet you, Mary. Please call me Sam." I lied as Rose and I made eye contact.

"It's good to meet you as well, Sam." Mary said then shaking hand my hand.

"So, Sam, Sherlock told me that you were finally going to move into 221B with him." John said.

"Yup." I confirmed with a slight smile.

"Well, he'll need the company." John chuckled. I then felt Sherlock take my hand and my bag as we walked outside to get a cab.

"All you boxes are at 221B." Sher told me.

"I love you, Sherlock." I smiled at him.

"I love you too, Sam." He smiled back. A cab pulled up as the four of us packed in. I was halfway on Sherlock's lap and Mary was halfway on John's. We got to 221B and we all got out of the cab and I smiled as we walked into 221B. I missed this. I walked up the familiar stairs, with Sherlock, John and 'Mary' right behind me. When we walked into the flat Lestrade and Mycroft were there.

"Sam!" Lestrade smiled as he saw me, then hugging me, "It's good to have you back."

"It's good to be back." I told him.

"Sam. It's good to see you." Mycroft smiled at me.

"Good to see you too, Mykie." I smiled back.

"Well, I have a meeting. I must get going." Mykie told us as he left.

"I have to get back to work. I have paperwork to do. It was good seeing you, Sam." Then Lestrade left. I saw John walk over to his chair and sit down but I noticed something that wasn't there before, a chair next to Sherlock's. A black chair.

"You didn't." I said looking at Sherlock.

"I did." Sher told me with a smile as he went and sat down in his chair. He then patted the seat next to him. I walked over and sat down next to my boyfriend, in my own chair. "I figured since your going to live in 221B with me, you might as well have your own chair."

"Thank you, Sher." I smiled at him.

"Your welcome, Sammy." He smiled back as he took my hand in his.

"Mary and I have discussed something we would like to ask you to do." John told us, then looking to Mary.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"Would you two compose a piece for our first dance?" He asked. I looked to Sherlock, I already knew my awnser but what was his?

"We would love to." Sherlock confirmed.

"I have to admit something." Mary sighed. "This isn't the first time Sam and I have met. When she moved to Ireland we went to school together, we were close but not Sam and Sherlock close but still close."

"Mary was the only friend I made when I moved in wth the trash bag and the psychopath." I lied.

"Good! So you both know each other." John smiled. "Other than that, Mary and I have work in the morning. We'll see you guys tomorrow."

"Day after tomorrow. Sam and I have plans." Sher told them.

"Okay, we'll see you then." John said, leaving.

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