The Truth Comes Out

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Scotland Yard..........

"You know, it's interesting. Bohemian stationery. An assassin named after a Prague legend and you...Miss Wenceslas. There's a distinctly Czech feel to the whole case. Is that where all this leads?" Sherlock asked, there was no response. "What are we looking at, Inspector?"

"Criminal conspiracy. Fraud.
Accessory after the fact, at the
very least. The murder of the old
woman. All those people in the
flats -" She then cut Lestrade off.

"I didn't know anything about that!
All those things...Please. Believe
me. I just wanted my share. The
thirty million... I found a little old man in Argentina. Genius. I mean really.Brushwork immaculate. Could fool anyone. Well, nearly anyone. But I didn't know how to go about convincing the world the picture was genuine. It was just an idea. A spark which he blew into a flame." She explaimed to us.

"Who?" I asked her.

"I don't know." She sighed, Lestrade scoffs, "It's true! It took me a long time but eventually I was put in touch
with...people. His people. But
there was never any real contact.
Just messages. Whispers."

"Do these whispers have a name?" Sher asked.

"Moriarty." She admitted, "He got into contact with me to tell Sam something."

"What is it?" I asked.

"He said, 'Tell her I think it is time for her to cash in on her promise she made to me all those years ago.'" I knew excatly what he was talking about.

"What is he talking about, Sam?" Sher asked me.

"I promised him that if he even threatened a child I would kill him with my own two hands." I told him.

221B Baker Street.........

Sherlock followed John to help finish the Westie case, I came back to Baker Street, awaiting a dear friend's call. My phone rang and I awnsered it. "Olly."

"Queenie." He replied to me in his thick Brooklyn accent.

"What the fuck? I was asking that woman questions." I asked him.

"Love you too, Queenie." He chuckled.

"Seriously, what the fuck?"

"I was hired to kill her after Os told you that he was hired to kill her. I had to kill her before she revealed anything." He explained. "Look, James is planning something. He is looking for assassians for something that is going down tonight involving Sherlock, John and you, so be careful love."

"I will be, Olly." I sighed, "Are you doing the job?"

"I can, what are you planning, love?"


I sat on the couch as Sherlock watched crap teley and John worked on his blog. "Of course he's not the kid's dad! Look at the turn-ups on his jeans!" He yelled at the tv.

"I knew it was dangerous." John said amd I chuckled.

"Hm?" Sher asked.

"Getting you into trashy TV." John said.

"Not a patch on Connie Prince." Sher joked.

"You given Mycroft the memory stick yet?"

"Yup. He was over the moon. Threatened me with a Knighthood.
Again." Sher complained.

"Still waiting." John sighed.

"For what?"

"For you to admit that a little
knowledge about the solar system
and you'd have cleared up the fake
painting a lot quicker." John said looking at Sherlock.

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