Sacora Lilian Faith Holmes: The Finale Chapter

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221B Baker Street...................

It's a GIRL! Sherlock and I found out at 20 weeks but right now I am in labor and both Sher and I are freaking out. John and Mary are on their way to pick us up to go to the hospital and yes the Media knows that Sher is going to be a father. It was a nightmare to deal with but what was funny was what we were when my water broke. (Get your head out of the gutter).


"So, tell us about your case." Sherlock told the client.

"I think my girlfriend is cheating on me." She told us and that is when I felt itb when I felt my water break.

"Yes, sh-" Sher began before I cut him off.

"Sherlock, the baby's coming." I said, grabbing his hand. I watched as Sherlock grew panicked.

"I'm sorry but we must ask you to leave. We are about to become parents." Sherlock told our client and he got up pushing her out.

"I'll text John and Mary." I said slowly getting up and getting my phone.

"No, I'll do that. I don't want you to forget to text Penelope to come and murder you for not telling her." Sher told me and he was right.

Fbi group chat.............

Sam: Sacora's on her way. My water broke.

Penelope: OMG

Hotch: We are on a case in New York but after that we will be there.

Spencer: Cannot wait to meet her.

Derek: The little genius. Can't wait

Sam: Trust me I can't wait either

JJ: just breathe everything will be fine

Sam: That's not what I am worried about. Sherlock is freaking out.

JJ: That is very normal. Will did the same thing.

Sam: And he's pacing. He only does that when he is trying to solve something. I have never seen him like this before.

Rossi: He will be fine. Just pre-parental panic.

Sam: I gtg. John and Mary just got here so they can take us to the hospital.

I heard John honk their car horn, telling us that they were here. I then I had a contraction as Sher grabbed the go bag.

The Hospital............

After six hours of labor Sacora Lillian Faith Holmes was finally here. John had called Lestrade during the wait so Greg, Mary, John, Rosie, James, Mrs. Hudson, Mr and Mrs Holmes and Mycroft were in the waiting room. Sherlock was next to me as I held our beautiful baby girl and she looked a lot like Sherlock. She had black hair and had my lips but her hair was curly like Sherlock's. "Do you want to hold her Sher?" I asked my husband, I knew he was nervous about dropping her but I gave her to him anyway becuase I knew he wouldn't. I knew by the moment he saw our daughter he was in love with her and so was I. Eventually he gave her back to me to tell everyone about Sacora. When evetlryone came in to see her I was surprised. I never saw my brother wear the look he had on his face. It was love. Even Mycroft wore the very same look.

"So, John, Mary, we want you two to be god parents." Sher told the couple.

"We would love to." Mary awnsered for the both of them. Everyone took turns holding her but when James held her, I watched him like a hawk and so did Sherlock, John and Mary. They kept me in the hospital overnight becuase even though it was a natural birth they wanted to make sure I was okay becuase of my medical history with being tourtured and all that. The next day the team came and they fell absolutely in love with her especially Penelope.

When Sacora Opens Her Eyes...........
(2 to 3 months)..................................

Sher and I have gone back to our insomniac days. Sacora is the fussiest baby in the world and we haven't had a case in at least a month becuase of it. I absolutely love Sacora to death but all she does is cry. When we took her to the Doctor's for her shots we told her what was going on and she told her it could really be anything but then she stopped crying. Wewere surprised but she had finally opened her big blue eyes. Sacora had her fater's eyes but somehow they were a brighter blue.

First Words...................

I was getting read to feed Sacora when she threw her rattle at me. "Sacora." I told her.

"Cwime scene!" Sacora yelled, "Cwime scene!"

"Sherlock!" I said loud enough to get his attention. "Sacora just said her first words."

"Cwime scene! Cwime scene!" She kept repeating.

18 years later.....................

Rosie and Sacora are best friends, the absolute best. Today Sacora was leaving for Uni to major in criminal sciences. Sacora really was really a mini genius. She grew up in 221B, Mrs. Hudson left it to us in her will before she passed away from old age about a year ago. James proved himself as an uncle and a sibling. Sacora used to call him Uncle JimJim and she calls Rosie, Ro but today they called a family meeting. So, John, Mary, Sher and I sat in the living room of 221B surrounded by luggage for Sacora's trip to Uni.

"Cora and I have something to tell you." Rosie began.

"I'm bisexual." Sacora revealed to us.

"And I am gay." Rosie told us. "And we are dating."

"Okay." I shrugged, I am bisexual too so it doesn't really surprise me. John, Mary and Sher were surprised but the accepted it. "Sacora, dear, do you want to know something about your mum that I never told you?" I asked her.

"Um, what haven't you told me? You told me the story of you and Dad, what else can there be?" She asked.

"I was your age when I relaized I was bi too, Sacora." I admitted to my daughter.

"See, Cora, you were worried for nothing." Rosie reassured my daughter.

"It really doesn't surprise me either," John began, "Your Aunt Harry's gay too. She is just too drunk all the time to keep a healthy relationship."


Well I cried while typing those two words. I hope you guys enjoyed the story but next I am publishing a Riverdale Fanfic that I have been working on that was on back burner to this. I will probably upload the first chapter the same time you are seeing this. THANK YOU MY WONDERFUL READERS!💕💕


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