It Is Good To Be Back

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221B Baker Street...................

I got out of the taxi with my fake red hair and green colored contacts. I came up to the door and knocked on it, straightening the knocker. An elderly woman known to be Mrs. Hudson. Her husband was a part of a cartel and she was a stripper. Sherlock made sure her husband got onto death row. "Are you a client, dear?" She asked me in a sweet voice.

"Yes, I am." I smiled at her as I spoke with my fake Irish accent.

"Boys! You have a client!" She yelled up the stairs then turned towards me, "Come in dearie. You can go ahead and go upstairs. It's the first door you see." I walked up the stairs to the flat and I saw Sherlock sitting in his chair and Dr. Watson sitting across from him. I sat in the known to be client chair.

"Talk about your case." Sherlock said.

"Here's the thing, I don't excatly have a case. I am a messenger." I told him in the fake accent.

"And what is this message and who is it from?" Sherlock asked.

"It's from me." I said loosing the fake accent. "Don't you recognize me Sher?Sammy is alive and standing right in front of you." I then took off my ginger wig and the bald cap.

"Who are you?" John demanded.

"Your dead." Sher told me as he stared at me in shock.

"I faked it." I said then pulling out the contacts case and putting my colored contacts in it.

"Who the hell are you and hpw dare you come up here claiming to know Sher-" John was cut off by Sher.

"John! Shut up!" Sher demanded, "She's not lying. John Hamish Watson meet my best friend who I thought commited suicide nine years ago, Samara Faith Finley."

"You can call me Sam." I told John, Sherlock then stood up and I stood up as well, next thing I knew we were all standing up.

"Where the hell have you been, Sam?!" Sherlock demanded.

"On the run becuase I pissed off my evil half brother and his clients." I awnsered, "Not even Mykie could find me even if he had tried too."

"John, leave us for a moment please." Sher asked of him. I could tell John was a little taken back by his use of the wird, 'please.' He then nodded and walked down the steps, no doubt going to go gossip with Mrs. Hudson. "Sammy."

"Sher." I looked at his shocked face. "I'm sorry."

"For what? You were protecting yourself." He said.

"I wasn't just protecting myself. I was protecting you." I told him, honestly. "My half-brother threatened you so that I would do what he said to do."

"So, you faked your death to protect me." He said aloud. "I grieved over you, Sam. I didn't even get a phone call when you died, I called your mother so I could talk to you about Uni. Then she told me you commited suicide." Then he hugged me. "I missed you, Sammy."

"I missed you too Sher." I said then hugging him back. "I'm sorry, Sher, I am so sorry."

"For what?" He asked as he let go of me and I let go of him.

"That I had to fake my death. I fucked up. The trash bag wouldn't let me see or even talk to you so I hacked my brother's clients for money so I could run away and come back to London." I awnsered.

"So, that's the full story." He looked at me. "Mycroft is going to be so surprised when he sees you." He smiled, a real smile.

"Yes, he is going to be very surprised." I agreed with Sherlock. "But he probably already knows becuase of the surveillance cameras he has up."

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