Mary Owes John Ten Pounds

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A week after Sam got shot..............
221B Baker Street.........................

I laid in bed, in a shit ton of pain like every morning so far this week. Sherlock laid next to me, he was the first thing I saw when I woke up and his striking blue eyes were looking at me. "Good morning, love." He said to me with a smile.

"Good morning, Sher." I said back, he seemed unusually happy for first thing in the morning, was it excitement?

Sherlock's POV.................
Before Sam woke up........

I had called John, which is very unlike me to ever call anyone. "What do you want Sherlock?" John asked as he woke up.

"Hello to you too, John. I just wanted to ask your advice on something." I told him.

"You? Call me? For advice?" John said, shocked.

"Yes, you heard correctly." I told him as I sat in my chair.

"What kind of advice?" He asked.

"I asked my mother for my grandmother's ring, two days ago and I got it last night." I began.

"Wait." John stopped me, "Are you going to propose to Sam?"

"I plan on it." I admitted.

"I thought you didn't do weddings, neither you nor Sam like weddings." John commented.

"We don't like weddings but I am in love with her." I admitted.

"When are you going to ask her?" He asked.

"Tonight." I answered, "Anyway what I wanted to ask if you had any advice just to calm my nerves."

"Sam loves you Sherlock, you have nothing to worry about. I have no doubt in my mind that she'll says yes. She came back from the dead for you, hell, just last week she took a bullet for you which she probably would have taken with or without the Kevlar jacket." He told me. "The moment you kicked me out of the flat to talk to her I knew there was more emotions there then Mrs Hudson and I originally knew. She'll say yes." John then paused for a second, "Mary agrees and says that Sam loved to tell stories about you two."

"Thank you, John." I sighed.

"Well this is a day of firsts." John said.

"Just take it." I told him.

"I will." He agreed.

"Oh, can you give the phone to Mary." I requested.

"Yeah, of course." He agreed.

"Hey, Sherlock." Mary greeted.

"Could you get Sam out of the flat today, say around 1 o'clock?" I asked her.

"Yeah, of course."

Sam's POV...................
Current time................

I sat in my chair sipping on the tea Mrs Hudson brought up; even she seem more excited then usual. I decided I would text Mary and Garcia about it later. Sherlock was sitting next to me, looking through his website for cases. My knees were resting on the arm rests and my feet were in his lap. My phone went off so I set down my cup and looked at my phone.

Mary: Do you want to go to lunch around one?

Me: Sure, I need to talk to anyway

Mary: What's going on?

Me: Sher is acting weird and so is Mrs Hudson

Mary: We can discuss it more later, I'll pick you up around one

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