The Game Is On

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"What about that Russian case?" John asked.

"Belarus. Open and shut domestic
murder. Not worth my time." Sherlock sighed.

"From what you told me he had bad grammar." I sighed.

"Shame. Anything in? I’m starving." John said. Then he came back into the living room. "A head. A severed head."

"Just tea for me thanks." Sherlock instantly replied.

"There’s a head in the fridge!" John shouted.

"Yes." Sherlock agreed.

"A bloody head!" He shouted.

"Had to put it somewhere. You don’t
mind, do you? Got it from Bart’s
morgue. I’m measuring the
coagulation of saliva after death. I see you’ve written up the Taxi Driver case." Sherlock said and I was trying not to laugh.

"Uh...... Yeah." John sighed.

"‘A Study in Pink’. Nice." Sher joked.

"Well, you know. Pink lady, pink
case, pink phone. There was a lot
of pink. Did you like it?" He asked.

"Er...... No." Sherlock said.

"I don't know, Sherlock. That blog is the reason why I knew what happened and came as soon as I could for one simple last name." I told him.

"Last name? You mean Moriarty?" John asked.

"Yep. He's my half-brother and legally my last name is Moriarty but I hate it so I go by Finley." I admitted.

"Well anyway, Why not? I thought you’d be...flattered." John asked Sherlock.

"Flattered? 'Sherlock sees right through everyone and everything in seconds. What’s incredible, though is how spectacularly ignorant he is about some things'." Sherlock quoted from the blog.

"Hang on, I didn’t mean-." Then be was cut off by Sherlock.

"What, you meant 'spectacularly
ignorant' in a nice way? Look, it
doesn’t matter to me who’s Prime
Minister. Or who’s sleeping with
who -" Then Sherlock was cut off by John.

"Or that the earth goes round the
Sun?" John asked.

"He has you and I for that information, John." I told him.

"But how can he not know that?" John asked.

"He probably deleted it, like he deleted almost all the kids at primary school's names becuase they were insignificant." I told John.

"Thank you, Sammy." Sher said.

"Deleted it?" John asked, confused.

"Listen." Sherlock then pointed at his temple. "THIS is my hard drive. Only makes sense to put stuff in there that’s useful. Really useful. Ordinary people fill their brains with all kinds of rubbish or you have Sam who can't forget something even if she tried. And then it’s impossible to get at
the stuff that matters. You follow?"

"But it’s the Solar System - !" John said.

"What the hell does that matter? So
we go around the Sun! If we went
round the Moon or ...round and
round the garden like a teddy bear
it wouldn’t make any difference.
All that matters is the work.
Without it, my brain rots. Put that
in your blog. Or, better still,
stop inflicting your opinions on
the world." He said that and it made me chuckle. Then John heads for the door. "Where are you going?"

"Out! I need some air." John said then leaving. Mrs. Hudson then came in.

"You two had a little...... Domestic?" Mrs. Hudson said. Sherlock then walked over to the window to watch John leave the flat.

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