The Death of Irene Adler

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Baker Street........

On our way here Greg took a video of Sherlock and I had him send it to me but now John and I sit in the living room. He was probably typing away on his blog about what just happened and I was just about to call Mykie about what had happened when I couldn't find my phone, it is probably downstairs so I was hacking into the CIA to see who was at Rene's house.

"Sammy! John!" We heard Sherlock yell. We both rushed into his bedroom. He was on the floor when we got there.

"You okay Sher?" I asked him.

"How did I get here?" He asked.

"Well, I don’t suppose you remember much. You weren’t making a lot of sense. Oh, I should warn you: I think Lestrade filmed you on his phone." John said.

"Oh he definitely did." I confirmed.

"Where is she?" Sher asked.

"Where's who?" John asked.

"The woman. That woman." He awnsered.

"Irene Adler?" I questioned. "She got away. No one saw her." Sher stumbles over to the open window and looks through it.

"She wasn’t here, Sherlock." John said.
Turning around, Sherlock either falls down again or deliberately drops to the floor – it’s not clear which. While he’s down there he drags himself across the floor and peers under the bed as if looking to see whether Irene is hiding under there, then he squints around as if checking that she’s not hidden under or behind the wardrobe. "What are you ...? What ...? No, no, no, no." John then grabbed Sher and drops him face-down on the bed.

"Back to bed, Sher." I said covering him up with the sheet. "You’ll be fine in the morning. Just sleep."

"Of course I’ll be fine. I am fine. I’m absolutely fine." Sher said in a faint mumble.

"Yes, you’re great. Now we'll be next door if you need us." John told him. 

"Why would I need you?" Sher said amd John and I closed the door to his room and John and I shared a look like we were parents of a toddler.

"You go to bed, I got this." I told John amd he gave me a crazy look, "You need it, I don't."

"I'll stay up with you." He said in tone that said, don't argue with me.

"Fine." I sighed, giving in.

"Now, what was the code to her safe?" John asked as we walked back into the living room.

"Irene Adler can be quite the narcissist. The code was her measurements." I explained to him he just looked at me.

Next Morning...........

Sherlock was feeling alot better and had slept the drug off. I went to my flat to take a quick shower when I got into my flat my phone was on the counter and it moaned. "I can't fucking believe it. She pick pocketed my phone, again!" I said as I picked up the phone to check what it said.

See you later, love. -Reney

I rolled my eyes amd went back upstairs with my phone. When I walked into the flat Sherlock amd John looked at me. "I thought you were going to go take a shower?" John asked.

"I guess Irene Adler was here last night becuase she pick pocketed my phone just to add her number amd change her ringtone." I explained. Sherlock just looked at me.

"What did she change it to?" John asked.

"A moan." I said as I pinched the bridge of my nose. Then I go and sit on the couch and Mycroft comes in.

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